Hillary Breaks Silence, Releases Three Sentences on Harvey

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 10,2017

RUSH: Hillary Clinton has emerged from the primordial gunk and weighed in on Harvey Weinstein. She broke her silence saying such behavior cannot be tolerated and that it is appalling. Also, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jolie have come forward and said that Weinstein abused them! Now, they are two of the cadre that people theorized would not come forward precisely because Weinstein made their careers. But they have come forward and said that Weinstein did effectively abuse them.

I just saw on CNN somebody was asking Chris Cillizza, “Do you think Bill Clinton will have a statement on Weinstein?” Cillizza, are you crazy? Clinton’s not gonna say a word. He’s gonna totally rely on Hillary to carry this water. He-he-he. Bill Clinton can’t say diddly-squat!

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