Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

“Hollywood lectures everybody else while acting as a sanctuary city for misogynist feminists. It is. Hollywood is a sanctuary city for every reprobate leftist there is.”
• Daily Caller: Family Who Survived Mandalay Bay Shooting Praise Trump’s Humanity
• UK Guardian: Donald Trump Expected to Abandon Iran Nuclear Deal Next Week
• New York Times: Trump Administration Set to Roll Back Birth Control Mandate
• The Hill: House Panel Approves $10B for Border Wall
• Washington Times: NFL Players’ Union Teamed Up with Soros to Fund Leftist Advocacy Groups
• AP: Football’s Decline Has Some High Schools Disbanding Teams
• FOXSports: Cam Newton Issues an Apology 24 Hours Later
• New York Times: Decades of Sexual Harassment Accusations Against Harvey Weinstein
• BuzzFeed: Former Obama Adviser Anita Dunn Helped Harvey Weinstein Strategize Before New York Times Story
• Hollywood Reporter: Harvey Weinstein Harassment Claims Put Obamas, Clintons in Tough Spot
• UKDM: Hillary Supporter Harvey Weinstein Thinks a ‘Right Wing Conspiracy Out to Get Me’ is Reason He Has Been Revealed as Serial Sexual Harasser
• Washington Examiner: Hollywood Mogul Harvey Weinstein: I’ll Fight the NRA to ‘Channel’ My Anger at Myself for Sexually Harassing Women
• NewsBusters: NBC Blacks Out Harvey Weinstein Sexual Harassment Allegations
• CBS: Democrats Look to Shed Their Donations from Harvey Weinstein
• Washington Free Beacon: Michelle Obama in 2013 Praised Harvey Weinstein as a ‘Wonderful Human Being’
• Campus Reform: Amherst Course Puzzles Over How Women Become Conservative
• Daily Caller: College Course Wonders Why Women Are Becoming More Conservative
• New York Times: Lisa Bloom, Harvey Weinstein’s Adviser, Criticizes His Behavior Toward Women
• National Review: Bret Stephens Indeed Does Not Understand the Second Amendment – Charles Cooke
• Politico: Trump Talks of ‘Calm Before the Storm’ After Military Meeting
“If Washington is a swamp, Hollywood is a cesspool. And Harvey Weinstein joins some special company. A Hall of Fame, if you will, of male Democrat feminists, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Bill Cosby, Carlos Danger, and now Harvey Weinstein.”
Things I meant to get to at some point, but there’s never enough time.
• National Review: Democrats Beg Susan Collins to Stay in the Senate
• NewsBusters: Too Many Choices! Bob Schieffer Bemoans News ‘Overload,’ Lack of ‘Vetting’
• HotAir: Politico: Get Ready For The Great GOP Donor Revolt Of 2017
• FOXNews: Black Lives Matter Shouts Down ACLU: ‘You Protect Hitler, Too!’
“If I don’t talk about it here, you don’t need to know about it. That’s all you have to know, be assured of that. And even if it takes a couple, three days, we get to everything that does matter. And remember: Until I’ve weighed in on it, you essentially don’t know what to think about anything.”
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: