Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Save the Swamp

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 20,2017

RUSH: So Mrs. Clinton is promoting her book in Washington this week. On Monday, she urged federal workers to stay in their government jobs while Trump is in office. “Stick it out! Stick it out!” she said. She’s talking about jobs, not something else. “Because the tide has to turn.” Democrats will be charge again one day, she said.

She criticized the Trump Administration’s supposed contempt for “what federal workers know and what they’ve done,” and for ignoring their advice.

“I don’t want us to lose the decades — really, if you added it all up, the thousands of years — of experience in the EPA, in the State Department, in the Labor Department, in a lot of the places being targeted by the Administration,” Hillary said.

Mrs. Clinton, Americans know all too well what Big Government bureaucrats have done to their lives, their businesses, and their country. That’s one reason Trump was elected: to drain the swamp of the “thousands of years” of collective inertia that you, your husband, and Obama kept in these government agencies.

You see, Hillary sees these deep state bureaucrats as pawns that she and other liberals can use to thwart the will of the voters, even when Democrats lose the White House.

That’s all the more reason to thin out this herd and downsize the oversized federal swamp. Keep Hillary out of it forever so she can’t build it back up.

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