Shout Out to a Brave Dittohead

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 7,2017

RUSH: I got the most incredible email today from Koko up at the website. He said: “Rush and Kathryn, this is a submission I plan on using for the featured Dittohead in this week’s Rush in a Hurry recap email that we send out every Friday afternoon.” 

By the way, you should sign up for that. It’s a recap of everything that happened in the week. It’s an html email that is one of the best recaps of any media program there is. Everything of note that happened here, it’s in that email.

And we include a featured Dittohead every week, and this week’s is a 9-year-old young boy named Joshua. He’s 9 years old, recovering from a heart transplant in a hospital in Texas. He listens to this program — 9 years old –every day on the radio.

We got a note from his father and it says: “My son wants to give you a shout-out, Mr. Limbaugh. He’s 9 years old, he just went through a heart transplant at Texas Children’s Hospital. He loves listening to your program on the radio. He’ll be in the hospital for about a month to recover. He loves our country. He would hope that you would give him a shout-out. Thank you, Mr. Limbaugh, and God bless,” and there’s a picture of him in the hospital.

Koko has this. So we are going to not only give a shout-out here, but in our Rush in a Hurry email recap. So thank you, Steven. I appreciate it. Steven, and Joshua is the son. This stuff almost stops my heart, I mean, to tell you the truth here, to see these things.

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