Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 31,2017

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Aug 31, 2017


“I’m watching the recovery efforts and you know what I’m noticing? I’m noticing that when the going gets tough and when there’s work that needs to be done, who are the first on the scene? Individuals. Private sector individuals.”


Things I meant to get to at some point, but there’s never enough time.

“The white supremacists and the Nazis and the KKK don’t have any power. They don’t have a single thing that they can do. Not true of these madmen on the left because they are the militarized wing of the American left, which is the Democrat Party and the media. And they are intimidating people, and they are bullying people.”


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: