Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 29,2017

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Aug 29, 2017


“Everything in our country’s been politicized. Sports is now politicized. The weather is politicized. Climate is politicized. Rainfall is politicized. Now, it’s obvious who’s done this. It’s the American left. It’s the Democrat Party, the media. Because politics is their lifeblood. It’s the source of their power. It is where they derive their reason for existence, energy, and all of that.”

UKDM: ‘Stilettos in a Flood Zone, Seriously!?’ Melania Trump is Mercilessly Mocked Online After Wearing Top Gun-Style Ensemble and Heels to Visit Areas Devastated by Hurricane Harvey
Reuters: Harvey Sets Texas Rainfall Record for Tropical Cyclone
Roy Spencer, PhD: Why Houston Flooding Isn’t a Sign of Climate Change
Daily Wire: These Leftist Media Outlets Blamed Global Warming For Hurricane Harvey
Grabien: Montage: Media Politicize Hurricane Harvey, Blame Global Warming, Mock GOP
Campus Reform: Prof Suggests Texans Deserve Hurricane for Supporting Trump
NewsBusters: NBC Spends More Time Slamming Trump Than Reporting His TX Assurances
Washington Free Beacon: USC ‘Traveler’ Mascot Controversy Could Impact 2017 Heisman Race
Salon: It Is Time To Re-Examine The Origins Of Our National Anthem, Another Neo-Confederate Symbol – Jefferson Morley
Daily Caller: The National Anthem Is A Dastardly ‘Neo-Confederate Symbol,’ Salon Declares
New York Post: There’s Too Much At Stake For Gary Cohn To Quit On Trump

“There’s nothing about fairness or equality or liberty when we’re talking about these leftist protesters. They are devoted to the exact opposite. These are the people who are defining hate speech as anything they disagree with.”


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show:
