Aug 18, 2017
RUSH: America is under attack from within. Our culture, our history, our founding are under the most direct assault I have seen in my life. And I'm sure it's the same with you. We haven't seen anything like this. You might even get away with saying that we are on the cusp of a second civil war.
Aug 18, 2017
RUSH: The Southern Poverty Law Center is a hate group rivaled only by the Democrat Party.
Aug 18, 2017
RUSH: Now this polling data that is out there, this is kind of eye-opening.
Aug 18, 2017
RUSH: Yahoo Sports is reporting that Colin Kaepernick is going to get his own exhibit at the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
Aug 18, 2017
RUSH: The media could portray Bannon as the only sensible, sane guy in that White House, and he wanted out of there but didn't want to resign, 'cause that's quitting. He wanted to be fired, and that's why he called The American Prospect, and that's why he sold Trump out, because Bannon's the only sane guy in there, and he couldn't take it anymore and he wanted Trump to fire him. I can see them doing that. Anything to get Trump and anything to portray Trump, you know, as unbalanced and a lunatic.
Aug 18, 2017
RUSH: They make it an objective to control education, because that's how they control minds, that's how they control countries, that's how they control populations. We conservatives, on the other hand, we don't like to control anybody,
Aug 18, 2017
RUSH: They’re committing suicide. They’re focused on an issue that’s not gonna get ’em a single new vote. They’re preaching to the choir.
Aug 18, 2017
RUSH: I'll assume the role of unpaid strategist here for five minutes. It's very simple, Mr. President. You become the United States president of the economy. You become the president of tax cuts. You become the president of jobs. You become president of economic policy.
Aug 18, 2017
RUSH: I do think there are some Republicans that are stupid, that are not conniving and calculating. They're really stupid and they get suckered by all of this flowery language, and they think it's just safer to join. Once a mob forms against anybody, it's just safer to join the mob than to stand up and defend whoever's under assault.
Aug 18, 2017
RUSH: When I make jokes about these people, they come true. What did I say yesterday on this program? What did I say?
Aug 18, 2017
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.