When We Think of Guam, We Think of Hank Johnson

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 9,2017

RUSH: Grab sound bite number 22. I checked the email, and people didn’t believe my Hank Johnson story. I can understand if you’re a Millennial and you weren’t here back in 2010, it’s seven years ago when Hank said this. If you didn’t hear it, I can understand that you might not think I’m lying, but that nobody would say that, what Hank did. Well, he did, and it was during a House Armed Services Committee hearing. It was during testimony about the 2011 defense budget request, and this is Hank Johnson, Democrat, Georgia, and Admiral Robert Willard of the United States Navy.

JOHNSON: This is a island that, at its widest level is, what, 12 miles from shore to shore, and as its smallest level, smallest location it’s seven miles between one shore and the other. My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and, uh, and capsize.

WILLARD: We don’t anticipate that.

RUSH: That was Navy Admiral Willard saying, “We don’t anticipate that,” Congressman. The island tipping over and capsizing. Don’t doubt me, especially those of you new to the program, Gen Xers, iGen, Gen Y, Millennials, don’t doubt me.