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RUSH: How many of you watch Game of Thrones? I watch Game of Thrones. I read Millennials review of each episode. It’s become a fun thing for me to do. I purposely seek out entertainment, even tech, websites that I know are written by Millennials.

Folks, it is amazing. They write not just about this show, shows they like, they write about these shows as though they’re real. As though the characters are real. As though the events are real. As though the time spent watching these shows is actually real as opposed to entertainment like going to a baseball or football game, being a diversion from reality, being an escape from reality. This is it.

And one of the things that we’ve heard recently — This happened, I think it was published on Friday too, and there are more and more of these stories about young people who have grown up with the internet and grown up with a screen, an iPod Touch or an iPhone or an iPad that they have withdrawn from society, that they do not meet people personally. They spent more and more time at home, but not with their parents. They’re isolated and their entire lives are spent with their phones, essentially, and however they communicate with people on their phones.

And this is said to be stunting growth in a number of ways, personal contact not happening, learning social graces and customs not happening. I don’t know how much stock to put in all this. I think journalism features many narratives and patterns and repeating themes. Even during the fall, there are certain stories you run. Winter and Christmastime, certain stories you run, first snowfall, certain stories you run, make sure you don’t steer outside.

But this stuff that they’re writing about, these are not just Millennials, it’s the generation following Millennials. The iGen it’s being called, iGen like iPhone, about how horribly stunting of growth this kind of existence is, and, as I say, a lot of this stuff is overdone and is reactionary and exaggerated. But I tell you, when I read reviews of these shows, they don’t look like reviews that I remember of movies or TV shows when I was younger and watching them.

It’s as though these reviewers are actually immersed, this is their reality. These are not characters. These are actual people to them, ’cause it’s on a screen. In this case it’s TV or their iPad or their phone, whatever they’re watching. It’s people on a screen and that’s how they communicate with people, and the characters take on a reality component. It’s got me wondering about it.

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