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RUSH: Congressman Ben Ray Luján, Democrat, New Mexico. He’s in charge of getting Democrats elected to the House of Representatives, in addition to himself. Right now the Democrats are 24 seats down, 24 seats in the hole.

In a recent interview with The Hill, Congressman Luján said that a broad coalition is needed to make up the difference. He said, “We have to be a big family in order to win the House back.”

Then he said there won’t be a litmus test for Democrat candidates. Instead, the party will find people who fit their districts. In conservative districts, the party will provide financial support for pro-life candidates.


Luján’s comments set off a Democrat civil war.  I’ll bet.  Howard Dean declared that he wouldn’t support this guy if they dared back a pro-life candidate. Every pro-abortion group, like SNARL and Emily’s List, registered their outrage. A coalition of progressive groups is circulating a statement of principles demanding a litmus test on abortion.

Rosie O’Donnell even weighed in. Well, she waddled in. She said if the Democrats ever get behind pro-life candidates, women should leave the Democrats and form their own party.

Despite all their talk about inclusion, diversity and tolerance, the Democrats will never tolerate anybody who is opposed to their holy sacrament, which is abortion. Congressman Luján is about to learn that lesson the hard way. In fact, is this guy still breathing, does anybody know?

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