TMZ Asks Rudy About AG Gig – And He Doesn’t Say No

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 25,2017

RUSH: We have some new sound in from Rudolph “Rudy” Giuliani. TMZ, of all places, caught up with Rudy today and let’s see… I’m not sure where this happen. I guess it was in New York, although it doesn’t say, just the TMZ website. An unidentified reporter said, “Would you accept the job of attorney general, Mr. Giuliani?”

GIULIANI: Right now, there’s an attorney general. So it’s kind of a hypothetical question. you have that discussion with the president. You don’t have the discussion with the press. But right now there is an attorney general — a good friend of mine, Jeff Sessions — and I’m very, very happy in my private law practice.

RUSH: He didn’t say “no.” We didn’t hear him say “no.” I’ll tell you what he said: “Right now, there’s an attorney general. So it’s kind of a hypothetical question. you have that discussion with the president. You don’t have the discussion with the press. But right now there is an attorney general — a good friend of mine, Jeff Sessions — and I’m very, very happy in my private law practice.” But nowhere did Rudy say “no.”

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