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RUSH: This is a website called Intellectual Takeout. Snerdley, pay attention. You’ll like this. Headline: “Clinical Psychologist: Women ‘Hate’ Harmless Men.” You know, every so often, folks, these stories cross our proverbial desk here. Every six months or so you get a story about male-female relationships of the day and how they’ve changed, you know, what men look for in women today versus 20 years ago, 30 years ago, and vice versa.

And we have another one today from a clinical psychologist claiming — his name is Jordan Peterson is the clinical psychologist, professor of psychology University of Toronto. He’s a popular speaker, it says here. And it starts by saying: “Many modern men have been propagandized to believe that modern women want nice, sensitive, empathetic guys who make them feel safe.”

Pajama boys. They want skinny, look like they rarely eat, young, youthful, no acne pimples or zits kind of guys that are totally deferential to women’s issues and traits. In other words, they understand that women are feminists and that women are — whatever. And this guy’s point is that those men women actually hate. They might look like they like them, but they don’t actually, when you get down to making a choice, that’s not who women want to choose. And if women do, it’s because they are the alpha in the relationship.

“Many modern men have been propagandized to believe that modern women want nice, sensitive, empathetic guys who make them feel safe. And then they are perplexed and frustrated when they eventually find themselves dumped, divorced, or relegated to the friend-zone for perpetuity. According to Jordan Peterson such results are not surprising. When he spoke to a gathering of people earlier this year, his thoughts on what women really want in a man supported a stereotype that still has popular cachet: that women are attracted to –” Well, I can’t use the word here. It’s a bodily orifice. I’ll say butt holes.

This is something actually that has never changed. I’m telling you, it has never changed. This is not new. Whatever this guy’s earth-shattering research is, this isn’t new. I simply ask you to remember your high school days. How many of what you thought were the classy women were fascinated by the ne’er-do-wells, the bikers, the near-gang members, the renegades, the longhaired, greasy-haired, leather-jacket, telling everybody to go to hell kind of guy. It always perplexed a lot of guys my age. They thought women wanted sophisticated, clean cut, polite. That went to hell out with feminism, but even before that happened, do you remember those days, Snerdley? Brian, was that your High School? It was. It was.

Not every woman, but with the popular babes, the scuzzier the better. Exactly right. It was almost like making a statement going out with the scuz, the king scuz guy in school. You know, some guy’s gonna take you to the movie and he’s gonna trash the concession stand when you go in because they don’t have enough popcorn and she’s gonna look on with pride. That kind of guy.

Now, there’s a bit of hyperbole here in the stereotype, admittedly. But he goes on to make the case here. “It’s been really interesting for me to watch the response… of young Caucasian males to hip-hop. You know, there’s an aggressiveness about hip-hop that’s really attractive to young Caucasian males. And there’s something absurd about the spectacle of the young Caucasian males taking on the persona of inner-city black gang members.”

You know how you can recognize this? They run around trying to talk like Eminem. What up, yo? It’s just part of the persona. “Women don’t even like harmless men; they hate them. They like to claw them apart. What women want are dangerous men who are civilized.” We’re not talking about guys that are not civilized; don’t misunderstand. We’re not talking about people that don’t know how to use a knife and fork. Dangerous, risk-taking guys who are civilized and do not mind — by the way, every time I’ve mentioned this, I have been excoriated.

George Gilder was thrown off The Oprah show for making this point. I’ll never forget it. Oprah actually threw George Gilder, a noted socialist and political scientist, off the show because he was trying to credit women for being a primary civilizing factor in the lives of men. And that just offended Oprah (imitating Oprah), “You think there’s our role, to civilize a bunch of –” and she was so offended she literally threw him off the show. I think it’s the only guest she actually asked to leave the stage during the show. She was so righteously indignant.

“What women want are dangerous men who are civilized; and they want to help civilize them.” The old Beauty and the Beast thing. And then the guy makes this point. “How many of you know what a Harlequin Romance is?” Do you know what that is? Yeah? Did you read one? Have you ever read a Harlequin Romance? It’s a genre. I haven’t, either, but I know what it is, and I think I know what they purport to be. If you don’t, this may not make sense to you, but I’m gonna share with you what the guy says anyway.

He told a group, he was addressing them in a speech, an appearance, he said, “How many of you know what a Harlequin Romance is? So those are archetypal stories. That’s the taming of the wild man, essentially, by the desirable and virginal woman. And if you think women don’t want that then you bloody better well come up with an explanation for Fifty Shades of Grey, which is the most rapid-selling novel in human history, and emerged at exactly the same time as all of this noise about the absence of gender roles is being produced en masse.”

Did you see Fifty Shades of Grey, Mr. Snerdley? You read the book? (interruption) You didn’t live Fifty Shades of Grey. Don’t do that. But the point is this guy says if you don’t understand how women loved Fifty Shades of Grey, then you will never understand the point that women are attracted to raconteurs, civilized basket cases, that this idea of wanting a Pajama Boy, that’s just for TV commercials. It doesn’t happen in the real world. And if it does, it’s the woman who needs civilizing, not the guy.

And I think that describes Washington, if you want to know the truth. I think women are running that town and have in the media and all over I don’t know for how long I’ve thought this. Just take a look who the real men of Washington are considered to be.

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