More Ice in Arctic Blamed on Global Warming

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 15,2017

RUSH: I read my little tech blogs, and those guys, these young Millennials, the New York Times may as well be the Holy Bible. I can’t tell you how frustrating it is, the things that they believe, particularly about Trump, but also climate change.

I had a story — let me see if I can find it here. I didn’t get to it because it really had nothing to do with anything. It was about how another trip to the Arctic to discover global warming had to be postponed because of too much ice. I’ll dig it out here. When I read those stories I know the New York Times isn’t gonna publish that, so these sycophants that read it are never gonna see it.


RUSH: Also, “Global Warming Study Cancelled Because of ‘Unprecedented’ Ice.” This was James Delingpole writing at Breitbart, and it’s actually credited to Vice. “‘It was clear it was from the Arctic, I just needed to be among the ice to see it,’ said Dr. Barber. ‘What was also clear to me was that climate change has caused this event to happen.'”

More ice. He had to be among the ice, he said, to see how much of it there was. Satellite data wasn’t good enough. They had to cancel a study because of unprecedented ice brought to you by climate change.

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