
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: Here is Jen in New Jersey. I’m glad you waited. It’s great to have you here. How are you doing?

CALLER: Thank you, Rush, for taking my call.

RUSH: You bet.

CALLER: I’ve been listening to you for over 20 years, and I just love your show.

RUSH: I thank you very much for that. Twenty years. I’m happy you’ve been out there that long.

CALLER: My son is eight, and he asked me, “Mommy, could you call Rush Limbaugh?” He owns all of your Rush Revere books, and we just got the most recent one, Rush Revere and the Presidency, and I hope your listeners know that these books are fabulous. They’re beautiful. They’re informative. They’re such high quality. And Liberty is so funny that he literally laughs out loud.

RUSH: The talking horse. Yeah. Everybody loves Liberty. That’s great.

CALLER: Yeah. And he wanted me to call and ask you, would you please do another Rush Revere book.

RUSH: I appreciate that. We get such amazing feedback on this, and there are other people asking if there’s gonna be another, if the series will continue. And we hope to be able to. We really do. It’s something that we definitely want to do. Look, I’m running out of time here but I want you to hang on so we can send your son a little gift pack from Liberty and the Revere people to go along with the books that he has, so thanks very much. Do not hang up. Mr. Snerdley will be the next voice you hear.

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