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RUSH: The Politico has some bad news for hardcore leftists. Bernie Sander’s revolution has hit a rough patch.

In other words, they keep losing elections.

In May, Bernie Sanders campaigned with Heath Mello. He was running for mayor of Omaha. He lost. Bernie’s supporters formed a group called “Our Revolution.” They got heavily involved in California’s Democratic Party Chair race. Their candidate lost.

There’s more bad news from California. A prescription-drug-pricing measure that Sanders backed, failed. Bernie supporters flooded a recent district-level meeting that picks a third of California’s Democrat electoral delegates. These activists were told to “shut the blank up” and get out.

But the biggest loss was the vote to choose the new head of the DNC. Obama’s pick, the foul-mouthed liberal Tom Perez, stomped all over Bernie’s guy, Keith Ellison from Minnesota.

You Bernie supporters, it’s time to ask some key questions, like, why? What are you doing? Isn’t it obvious by now? The Republicans are not your biggest enemies. The Russians aren’t either.

It’s the Democrats that rigged the primaries for Hillary. Democrats weren’t going to let Bernie win then and Democrats are kicking the snot out of you Bernie people now.

Your so-called revolution isn’t in a rough patch. They’re trying to put you in the graveyard. They’ve got one foot in and one nail to go. Wake up!

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