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RUSH: So the pattern is this, starting with the early days of Trump’s campaign: The media decided they’re gonna take down a member of his team. We’ve seen ’em go after Cory Lewandowski. We have seen them go after Paul Manafort. We have seen them go after Carter Page. Had anybody ever heard of these people before the Drive-By Media decided they needed to take ’em out, as a means of distinguishing Trump as a reprobate and ill-conceived, what have you? So you have Lewandowski, Paul Manafort, then Flynn, of course.

They went after Jeff Sessions, Kellyanne Conway, Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus, Sean Spicer, Ivanka. They even went after Melania! All of these designers saying they refused to dress Melania because of the pig she was married to? Well, guess what’s happening in that arena, folks? I read it today at Page Six in the New York Post. Dolce & Gabbana apparently have the exclusive in designing the clothes for Melania Trump, and she apparently — in the fashion world — is just knocking it out of the park. And all of these hoity-toity elitist designers are now thinking they may have missed the boat because Melania looks so good in Dolce & Gabbana and Melania is so revered and loved overseas.

So now they’re thinking they might have made a mistake here. But make no mistake that the Drive-Bys tried to take out Melania as well. Now it’s Jared Kushner’s turn in the barrel.

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