Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - May 25,2017

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

May 25, 2017


Daily Caller: Go Straight To The Fifth Paragraph Of The Latest NYT ‘Bombshell’ On Russia Collusion
UK Guardian: Republican Candidate Charged with Assault After ‘Body-Slamming’ Guardian Reporter
ZeroHedge: “Outraged” UK Stops Sharing Attack Information With US Due To Media Leaks
HotAir: Great News: UK Cuts Intel Flow to US Over Leaks in Manchester Bombing
Salon: Republicans are Scared About the Montana Special Election
PJ Media: Mont. Dem. Rob Quist Silent on Genital Herpes in Tax Evasion Case
Bloomberg: Trump Shames NATO Leaders on Defense Spending
FOXNews: Comey Influenced by Bogus Russian Document, Report Says
Politico: McConnell: ‘I Don’t Know’ How We Get to 50 Votes on Health Care Bill
The Hill: New CBO Score Triggers Backlash
LifeZette: Bombshell: Montana Assault Witness Changes Story, Admits No Neck Grab
UK Telegraph: Up to 6.6m Migrants Waiting to Cross to Europe from Africa: Report

“This is not journalism. This is political and character assassination. Now, it always happens to Republicans. It’s usually much more subtle and not nearly as regular and intense. But Trump has changed the game to the point now that’s all it is, all day, every day. There is no break from it. It never ends.”

“Washington, D.C., is the most powerful city in the world. It is the wealthiest city in the world. It has been populated forever by people trying to influence what happens there. Some of them are even American. They’re called lobbyists. Some of them are citizens. Some of them are members of Congress who are trying to influence things. Sometimes it’s the president. And, yes, there are spies. Oh, yes. There are spies all over Washington and everybody and their uncle is trying to influence what happens there. This isn’t anything new.”


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: