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RUSH: June Chu is a dean at Yale University, with a doctorate in social psychology. Her biography touts her long career helping students, not just academically – but supporting their “multifaceted identities.”

Recently, Yale students stumbled upon one of Dr. Chu’s multifaceted identities hidden on social media.

In a review of a local restaurant, she posted: “If you are white trash, this is the perfect night out for you!” The Japanese eatery wasn’t “authentic,” so it was for “low-class folks.” After slamming a gym employee, she wrote: “I don’t care if you lose your job. I am sure McDonalds would hire you.” And this one. She called local movie theater employees “barely educated morons trying to manage snack orders for the obese.”

After the Yale Daily News published her scathing reviews, students and alumni of the prestigious, elitist university were horrified.

Doctor Chu deleted her social media account, and apologized. She says she has “learned a lot” about the power of words. She says her posts demeaned the values to which she holds herself. In other words, that racist, bigoted person who wrote those racist, bigoted reviews – isn’t the real Dr. Chu

Anyone else would have been fired. But Doctor Chu won’t have to apply to McDonald’s. Yale placed her on leave until things cool down.

That’s the “multifaceted identity” of liberalism. Talk one game, play another and you get away with both.

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