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RUSH: Janet Napolitano is a ranking member of the Democrat Party establishment. She was Anita Hill’s lawyer, Bill Clinton’s U.S. Attorney in Arizona, and Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary. Now she runs the massive University of California system.

The University recently had a state audit. California issued a scathing report accusing Napolitano of hiding 175 million dollars in a secret slush fund. She is also accused of padding the salaries and benefits of her staff. Her little helpers.

Napolitano’s office repeatedly overestimated costs then spent less. They squirreled away the difference. Worse, this slush fund was partly financed on the backs of students. While Napolitano and her helpers were stashing away the money the university was raising student fees, because the system was supposedly broke. Her team also turned away thousands of California high school students so they could enroll out-of-towners, at higher tuition rates.

This fish stinks, from the head down. So what‘s the official response to the audit? The Board of Regents says the findings have not diminished their confidence in Napolitano’s leadership. And, icing on the cake California’s Attorney General, Democrat Xavier Becerra, just announced he won’t even bother to investigate the matter. But Becerra wants everyone to know this decision has nothing to do with politics. Absolutely nothing!

Nothing to see here … nothing out of the ordinary. This is how Democrats – skim – do business!

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