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RUSH: Tim Cook at Apple. You know, I’m an Apple guy. They had their quarterly financial report yesterday and I find this hard to believe. You may not remember this, I do. But last September when they introduced their new iPhones, the 7 and the 7 Plus, you couldn’t get a 7 Plus for two months and a jet black one you couldn’t get for three months. You couldn’t get, after opening day, an iPhone 7 Plus for two months, November. Nowhere.

And Cook said yesterday, “Well, we misunderstood. We didn’t plan correctly as to the demand for that.” It was only the top of the line phone. It had this dual camera in it. It was a phone unlike any other, and this is not the first time. When they came out with the iPhone 5s is where they introduced touch ID, the fingerprint thing. And the other phone was the iPhone 5c, this plastic thing in all these little kid colors. You couldn’t find a 5s for two months.

Tim, “Well, we misunderstood the demand.” I don’t understand this. I just don’t. “Well, one of the things we just didn’t get right was the mix between the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus in terms of manufacturing. We just didn’t make enough 7 Plus.” I don’t know. Not a big deal, obviously. It just amazes me. And there was something else. Oh! Their iPhone sales are a little flat. They were still like $50 million in the quarter, but they were flat and he said, “Well, the reason is that there’s so many leaks, so many rumors on our next iPhone, that people are waiting for it.” Well, that happens every year. Nothing new about that. I wonder if the fact — no, I shall refrain. No, maybe I shouldn’t. Maybe the fact they haven’t redesigned the phone in three years is a factor. I don’t know.

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