Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff
“These judges are not ruling on the merits of the law. They are not ruling on anything judicial. They are ruling as pure political participants. And they are enforcing their own policy preferences in their efforts to use their power to thwart and stop the president of the United States.”
• CNBC: Treasury’s Mnuchin: Trump Wants 15 Percent Corporate Rate in ‘Biggest Tax Cut’ in US History
• FrontpageMag: The Civil War is Here – Daniel Greenfield
• CNN: A Federal Judge Just Handed President Trump a Gift on Sanctuary Cities
• The Hill: Limbaugh: Looks Like Trump is ‘Caving’ on Border Wall
• National Review: A Federal Judge Issues a Mostly Meaningless Ruling Against a Mostly Meaningless Executive Order
• American Mirror: Border Rancher: Illegal Crossings Down 90% Since Trump Became President
• Politico: Poll: Border Wall Funding Isn’t Worth Shutdown
• National Review: A Ruling about Nothing – Andrew C. McCarthy
• New York Post: Beyoncé and Jay Z Put in $120M Bid for Sprawling Bel Air Mansion
• New York Times: White House Proposes Slashing Tax Rates for Individuals and Businesses
“My multitasking abilities are unique and incredible.”
“We have an audience growth here that’s going out the wazoo. Twenty-six million now make up the EIB Network audience. It’s a weekly cume. It’s just a phenomenal growth rate that is happening.”
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: