Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Fine Arts

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 21,2017

RUSH: The University of Alaska-Anchorage sponsored a month-long exhibition at their “fine arts gallery.” One of the first things visitors see is a painting of the Marvel Comics character, Captain America. There are eagles on both shoulders, a young Hillary Clinton is clinging to his leg, and the guy is holding up the severed head of President Donald Trump.

This is “art,” and the art was created by Assistant Professor of Painting, Thomas Chung. He says he was torn about showing the piece because he never talks about his personal political beliefs with his students. But he put the painting on display anyway after realizing how strongly he feels. He feels hatred.

Prof. Chung says that even his pro-Trump students might benefit from talking about his painting with him so that they can understand why he hates the way he does.

Some attendees did find the painting offensive, good news, but the university ignored them and the painting remained on display, which is nothing unusual.

The real surprise would be if the university had taken action, as in the recent case when a professor was actually reprimanded for tweeting his wish that President Trump be hung.  Well Trump is hung. He meant hanged.

But I remember a few years ago, the wall-to-wall outrage when a rodeo clown wore an Obama mask. If liberals could have severed that clown’s head or hanged him — he was hung too — in real life they would have. Don’t doubt me.

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