What Women in the U.K. Prefer to Sex

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 18,2017

RUSH: It’s a story from the U.K. newspaper called the U.K. Express. “A survey of 1,000 women…” Now, admittedly this is in the U.K., but still. “A survey of 1,000 women has found a majority of them prefer reading a book or knitting or engaging in arts and crafts to having sex. Women were given four options in the poll that was released today, four options to choose their number one, number two, number three, number four prefrence. Read a book was the top at 37%. Have a bath came in second at 26%. Crafting, such as knitting, sewing, et cetera, 18%. Only 8% of 1,000 women preferred having sex to any of those other three activities.

“This poll was to mark the launch of a novel called Paper Hearts and Summer Kisses by the romantic author Carole Matthews, found that 77% of women often felt stressed and anxious. The majority of women surveyed said they prefer to have a bath, 36% of the women polled said their stress levels had rocketed in the wake of the events of 2016, including Brexit, Trump’s election, and financial worries.” So at the center of everything that’s going wrong: Donald Trump. No matter where you go in the world, at the center of everything going wrong is Donald Trump.

To the point now that women in the U.K., only 8% asked said that they would prefer to have sex over any other activity. It reminds me of early training I got in these matters, and it actually confirms the early training I received in these matters.

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