Caller Claims to Know How Tom Brady Stays Young

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 5,2017

RUSH: Here’s Teresa in Leesburg, Florida. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. How are you?

RUSH: I’m fine and dandy. Great to have you with us today.

CALLER: Thank you for having me today. How are you?

RUSH: Good.

CALLER: Awesome. So yesterday you were talking about Tom Brady and you were wanting to know what he is doing that he is able to play like he’s playing and why he’s looking so much younger now than what he was appearing to be.

RUSH: I’m short on time. That’s not what I wanted to know, but if you have an answer to what he’s doing, I’d love to hear it.

CALLER: Okay. So he is using a medical device from over in Germany. It’s been around for 18 years, and we’re just now hearing about it here in the United States. And it’s a medical device that enhances blood flow all throughout your whole body, and it’s delivering more oxygen and nutrients to dissolve and remove that waste.

RUSH: You mean it does better than your own heart doing this?

CALLER: Well, yeah.

RUSH: Does God know about this?

CALLER: Pardon?

RUSH: You mean Germany has invented a device that pumps blood and oxygen better than the heart does?

CALLER: I can’t say that it pumps. It enhances blood flow. That’s what I’m allowed to say. Yes. Yes, it significantly enhances blood flow and increases the blood flow throughout your whole body, and with that you’re able to deliver the oxygen and nutrients to the cells, but then it’s also —

RUSH: How do you know that Tom Brady is using this device?

CALLER: Because I’m part of the company.

RUSH: Holy cow we’ve got a scoop here. Is it like a hyperbaric type thing principle-wise?

CALLER: No, it’s better than a hyperbaric chamber because the hyperbaric chamber, once that pressure is released then the oxygen is just the same as what it was prior to —

RUSH: So it’s not avocado ice cream, it’s a medical device.

CALLER: Well, the thing is that the cells need three things to thrive, the oxygen —

RUSH: Look, I’m out of time. Don’t go away out there, Teresa. Have to take a break. This is what they call in TV a hard break, which means it hurts and it doesn’t move.


RUSH: Now, I checked with Teresa. I’ve had some people ask me and I checked with Teresa during the break. The device that she’s talking about here that enhances blood flow and oxygen, it’s not Viagra. Well, some people said that’s what it sounds like. It’s not that. I’ll ask her if that’s a supplement to this device, but that’s not what she was talking about.


RUSH: I want to go back here to Teresa rather than leave her on hold for the whole segment. Teresa, not a whole lot of time left here, but let me set the stage. She called in the previous hour. She claims to know what it is that Tom Brady is doing to keep himself young and to recover from football games almost instantly rather than taking five or six days. Why, at age 40, he’s able to perform as though he’s 30. You claim to be with the company that makes a device that he’s using. Now, Brady is saying it’s diet and exercise and a whole regimen. Are you really telling us that it’s not that, it’s something else?

CALLER: Well, if you see the MVP, the Super Bowl MVP conference that he had when he received the MVP award from Roger Goodell? If you listen to the last question of that interview, the reporter asked him, “You’re 39 years old and how long do you see yourself playing the game?” In his answer he said, “I do something that’s out of the box, and I share this with my friends, and back when I was younger, I was always in pain –” or not in pain, but he uses that word, but I —

RUSH: Right. Took a long time to recover from the bumps and bruises of the game.

CALLER: Correct. Right. Uh-huh. And athletes love it because they’re able to train harder. They’re able to train longer. And they recover quicker, and, you know, what he said in the press conference was is that, you know, when he plays a game on Sunday, he has no discomfort. And he’s able to go back to practice on Wednesday —

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: — without any discomfort and —

RUSH: Right. Right. I know all of that. But you’re saying it is a device —

CALLER: It is.

RUSH: — made by the company that you work for and that he has surreptitiously referred to it because he’s doing something out of the box.

CALLER: Correct.

RUSH: But should you be calling us and telling us this?

CALLER: I don’t work for the company. I’m a distributor with the company. I don’t work for the company. I actually have my own distributorship.

RUSH: Is it an American company?

CALLER: It’s German. They’re based out of Liechtenstein.

RUSH: They’re based out of Germany.

CALLER: Liechtenstein, yes.

RUSH: Liechtenstein. Is it by any chance something called the Impella.


RUSH: It’s not called the Impella.

CALLER: Nope. But I’m gonna be in Miami and I would love to meet up with you, Rush, and share more information with you.

RUSH: (laughing) You want to bump me up!

CALLER: You could look just as young as Tom Brady does and, you know, like we need to keep you healthy so that you can aggravate the liberals.

RUSH: Now, I appreciate those sentiments. I literally honestly appreciate those sentiments.

CALLER: Roger Federer uses it as well.

RUSH: But I hate — well, never mind. I mean, I was gonna say I hate exercise, and I’m sure that you have to do exercise in order to —

CALLER: No. I mean, like, you know —

RUSH: Oh, so it’s magic, it’s magic, wow.

CALLER: You’re like my dad. He does not like to exercise, but he travels all around the country. He drives everywhere that he goes, and, you know, to these conferences that he teaches at. He does not get fanny fatigue. He calls it fanny fatigue. He takes this device with him, and there’s an application that you can sit on, and the whole time that you’re sitting it’s enhancing blood flow.

RUSH: Man, you have got it all, fanny fatigue?


RUSH: Now, that would be applicable to me.

CALLER: Yes, see? That’s the reason why we need to meet. My dad’s taking me down to Miami next week ’cause we have to meet with my grandpa, and I would love to come in and just, you know, share it with you. That’s all.

RUSH: Well, look, I appreciate it, I really do. I don’t do these kinds of things. I’m too famous to do stuff like this, and this is one of the prices I pay for being too famous. Other people could accept this offer with zero concerns, eager anticipation, but I can’t afford to go there. And please don’t take it — (laughing) Please don’t take it personally. I appreciate the call, Teresa. You’ve got a lot of people intrigued here.

And look, I have a disclaimer here, folks. Teresa, do not take this personally, please. You sound like an absolutely honest and really great person. But I have to say this. This is a radio talk show, and we do our best in the screening process, but even at that, anybody can call here and say anything. And so we have to be very, very guarded. This is what sets this program apart from others. Others would accept this and run with it just to make the news of it. But I don’t want anybody — maybe a cold sales call. I mean, I’m sure she’s trying to sell the product, no question.

But at the same time here, it’s up to Tom Brady to divulge these details about his regimen. It’s not up to me to take a phone call from somebody who wants to. I get very nervous with these kinds of things. And again, Teresa, please don’t take that personally. This is just the responsibility and common sense I have to exercise here in doing the program.

If Tom Brady wants to go public with what he’s doing, fine and dandy. It’s not my position to — (interruption) Well, now, that’s a good point. She’s calling, I was gonna correct her about something. She said at the beginning of her call that yesterday I was wondering why and how Tom Brady is pulling this off, and that’s not what the story was.

The story is in the U.K. Guardian, and the upshot of the story is that Brady has an unfair advantage because of his genes, because of his genetic makeup, that that’s one of the reasons why Brady is able to play at age 39 and 40 when most players have retired or have deteriorated to the point that they can’t play at a pro level anymore. And this story sought — I get very leery of these things because it was a disguised attempt at undercutting Brady’s achievements.

But when I saw the word “unfair” and I saw the word “advantage” and there was another phrase in this story that was a buzzword phrase to me that led me to believe that the reporter or the publication was looking at some method, some way to explain this that would deny that Brady had anything to do with it, he was just born with it.

And I’ll tell you where I saw it going. Where I saw it going, it didn’t get there in this story, but it set the table for there to eventually be a reference to white privilege. When you start talking about genes and you start talking about random luck, and you start talking about all of these other things and genetic makeup and genetic luck in this current climate, we put it in context, and I can see somebody somewhere down the road claiming it doesn’t matter what Brady’s regimen is, it doesn’t matter how he hard he works, he’s got a lucky set of genes.

Because in our society, in our culture, we love to build people up. We love to build the pedestal, and we love to put ’em up there on it, and then we can’t wait for the day they fall off of it. I detected a little bit of that in this story. So Teresa was calling to say, “I happen to know what he’s doing,” and that’s what our conversation was about. And then the medical device which some people thought she was describing a heart pump. Others thought she was describing Viagra.

She didn’t name the device and I wasn’t gonna ask her for the name of the device. ‘Cause it’s not up to me to divulge any of this, especially when I don’t know. So that is that.

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