Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Sheer Madness

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 10,2017

RUSH: I want you to meet the San Francisco “Sanctuary Duo” Mayor Ed Lee and City Attorney Dennis Herrera.

On January 31, Lee and Herrera filed a federal lawsuit to stop President Trump’s Executive Order cutting funds to so-called sanctuary cities. Last week, the duo went back to court to demand a “freeze” on Trump’s order until the lawsuit is decided.

The driving factor is money. San Francisco’s budget is close to $10 billion. The mayor is drafting a blueprint how to spend it all. But President Trump’s executive order is throwing sand into the gears.

Mayor Lee told the court that if the Trump administration strips all federal funds from San Francisco for refusing to comply with our immigration law “the result will be catastrophic.” The mayor claims he’s operating blindly because he doesn’t know how much money the city stands to lose. The city’s budget director warns that even if it’s only a 10% cut, they’ll have to fire first responders — which is what elected liberals always say when they talk about people that’ll have to be fired first.

Lawyers doubt the Sanctuary Duo’s suit will go anywhere because you can’t mount a challenge before the city has actually lost any money. Well, okay, fine. But that misses the point. There’s something more fundamental at stake.

These Democrats are demanding a federal court stop a duly-elected president from enforcing federal law because they want to protect sanctuary cities, which are not legal!

It’s sheer madness! This should be thrown out yesterday!

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