A Couple of Hints About the iPhone 8

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 7,2017

RUSH: I have a little hint for you: The iPhone 8, which will not (it looks like) come out in September. They won’t start making it ’til September, ’cause it’s gonna be something like nobody’s ever seen before.

You know what it’s gonna be?  It’s gonna be a 5.8 screen in a phone no bigger than the iPhone 7.  It’s not gonna be a Plus-size phone.  It’s gonna be the size of the 4.7-inch screen. It’s gonna be all phone, no bezels.  It’s gonna have double the battery life.

There’s no Home button.  There’s no Touch ID button.  Everything is gonna be built into the screen, including the camera, and it’s gonna cost well north of a thousand dollars. (interruption) Well, it’s gonna be there.  Just be a button.  It’s gonna be built in like on the iPhone 7 Plus.

Well, it’s there, but you won’t see it until you use it.

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