Rush 24/7 Morning Update: School Daze
RUSH: Some school districts in the greater Boston area are “alarmed” by President Trump’s “increasingly hostile stances.” So administrators are sending letters to students and parents to offer reassurance.
RUSH: Some school districts in the greater Boston area are “alarmed” by President Trump’s “increasingly hostile stances.” So administrators are sending letters to students and parents to offer reassurance.
RUSH: He had a lot of really, what I consider profundities, little one-line statements that didn't get a whole lot of attention.
RUSH: The announcement talks about how there's no better composer of prose among active presidents than Barack Obama. And I just had to smirk at that. But I'm just gonna tell you what I think.
RUSH: So there's always the traditional response when there's a State of the Union address or any other joint speech, joint session of Congress speech, the opposing party always gets a chance to respond.
RUSH: The DJI is setting a new record every day. When it was climbing during the Obama presidency, when nothing else was happening economically, they zeroed in on that as evidence that Obama's recovery was just kicking butt.
RUSH: Once again, note how many people report, conclude, say the same thing. And they were not watching each other. They were on their own networks.
THE VICE PRESIDENT: It was a great speech. It was a great night for America. But, as someone who had the privilege of serving in the House of Representatives as I did for 12 years, I just have to tell you, Rush, it was deeply humbling for me to be in that position and to be able to look out and see the way that President Trump and his message connected with people on the floor of the Congress, in the Gallery, and obviously all across the United States.
RUSH: I'm not talking about braggadocio. I'm talking about genuine confidence. No self-doubt whatsoever. No qualms about what he was gonna say. He couldn't wait to say it, couldn't wait to get all this stuff out.
RUSH: When I looked at these people, the Democrats, as Trump was making the speech, more than once I was asking myself, "Are they hearing this for the first time? They're looking surprised. They're looking shell-shocked."
RUSH: You would not believe some of the vicious tweets that have been aimed at Carryn Owens for allowing herself to be used as a prop, allowing herself to be exploited by this evil Trump. And Van Jones being savaged for not seeing that that’s what was going on.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.