Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

“The Democrat Party, my friends, is the largest hate group in the country, bar none.”
• YouTube: President Donald Trump Speech at CPAC 2017
• FOXNews: President Trump Electrifies CPAC Crowd, Bashing Media and Vowing Aggressive Agenda
• Mediaite: Prankster Tricks CPAC Attendees Into Waving Russian Flags During Trump Speech
• CNN: FBI Refused White House Request to Knock Down Recent Trump-Russia Stories
• The Hill: CPAC Attendees Seen Waving Russian Flags
• HotAir: McAuliffe’s SuperPAC Paid $500,000 to Campaign of Wife of FBI Official Overseeing Hillary Email Investigation
• AP: White House Advisor Asked FBI to Dispute Russia Reports
• Hillsdale Collegian: Arnn Calls Trump a Conservative at CPAC Speech
• Forbes: California: The Physical Collapse Of A Social State
• CNSNews: CNN Panelist: Talk of ‘Uniqueness of American Culture’ Is ‘White Nationalism’
• NewsBusters: CNN’s Cuomo Blames ‘Intolerant’ Parents for Girls Wanting to Change in Female Only Locker Rooms
• Is Secession a Solution to Cultural War? – Patrick J. Buchanan
• CNNMoney: White House Blocks News Organizations from Press Briefing
• CBS: Sen. Tom Cotton Discusses the Angry Constituents He Faced at a Town Hall
“I’ve always thought of myself as a conservative, philosophically, and that’s the way that I try to live my life. But in terms of an actual leader of a movement, that kind of thing has never been front and center in my mind. I just believe what I believe and tell people what it is and try to explain it.”
Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: