Flashback: Robert Creamer Bragged About Hiring Protesters

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 23,2017

RUSH: Let’s go back to the Grooveyard of Forgotten Sound Bites. October 17th, 2016, Project Veritas website founder James O’Keefe released a secret video entitled, “Rigging the Election,” which investigated Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC inciting violence at Trump’s campaign rallies. We have two sound bites here. In this secret video, is Democracy Partners founder and partner Bob Creamer (who, again, is the husband of Democrat congresswoman Jan Schakowsky).

This guy, Creamer, visited the White House during Obama’s eight years 300-and-some-odd times. Fifty-two or 53 of those times this guy, Creamer, met personally with Obama. You are going to hear this guy brag and admit how he hires and pays people to show up and disrupt Trump rallies. And you’re going to hear him say who hired him to do this. We have an unidentified female Project Veritas journalist here. They pulled a sting on these guys. They walked in; they convinced them that they were a legitimate news organization seeking to do a profile on the great work that the group did.

And here is what it sounded like…

WOMAN: Hillary, like, is aware of the work that you guys do, I hope.

CREAMER: The campaign is fully in on it.

WOMAN: And then they tell Hillary what’s going on?

CREAMER: Well, Hillary through the chain of command what’s going on.

WOMAN: Yeah.

CREAMER: I’m not suggesting we wait around. We need start this (bleep) right away.

MAN: Okay.

CREAMER: On every one of these fronts.

MAN: Okay.

RUSH: Of course. Of course.

“Hillary, like, is aware of the work that you guys do, I hope.” “The campaign is fully in on it.” “And then they tell Hillary what’s going on?” “Well, Hillary through the chain of command what’s going on. … I’m not suggesting we wait around. We need start this (bleep) right away,” meaning hiring people and disrupting Trump rallies. We don’t wait for them to call us but we tell ’em what we’re doing. They’re hiring us.

Here is the next sound bite here that adds able to say more to this…

CREAMER: In the end it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton — the future president of the United States — who wanted ducks on the ground. So, by God, we’ll get ducks on the ground. Don’t repeat that to anybody.

RUSH: “In the end it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton — the future president of the United States — who wanted ducks on the ground. So, by God, we’ll get ducks on the ground. Don’t repeat that to anybody.” He admitted that the Hillary Clinton campaign was hiring him to go hire protesters. It was in the same video he admitted that he pays them $1500 a day, and shortly after these videos — these tapes — were released, he resigned. He resigned from this group. He was disgraced because the jig was up.

You know, what they did was to go to Trump rallies and pretend to be Trump supporters — they were wearing Trump supporters T-shirts — and they start beating up on people. They started raising hell. In Chicago they prevented a Trump rally, Trump called it off because of how bad it was reputed to be. It was all the Hillary Clinton people! I maintain to you that it’s still happening. We know that it’s happening now from an Obama group called Organizing for Action.

They are the ones doing what Creamer did, and many of the people showing up at Republican town halls are paid Democrat protesters, and many of the people in the streets and the airports when Trump announced the travel ban. Did you ever stop to think how it can be that Trump announces a travel ban and within minutes there are thousands of people at JFK and LAX? We found out that those people had been hired in November shortly after the election, and they were put on call. They were just waiting to get the action order.

Somebody was waiting to find out when Donald Trump did anything that these people thought it was worthy of mobilizing, and that was the travel ban. Trump authorizes the travel ban, these people got the phone calls, and they flooded airports. And they’re now flooding Republican town halls. Now, don’t misunderstand; I’m not saying every damn one of ’em, ’cause there’s some Republicans in there that are unhappy the Republicans are moving so slow.

But much of this is illegitimate. Much of this is not organic. Much of this is people holding premade, manufactured, fill-in-the-blank signs — and if you take them aside and start talking to them, they can’t tell you one issue that they’re there about. All they can do is cite things, “Trump’s a fascist! End fascism! End fascism! Trump’s a fascist! Trump’s this! Trump’s a racist! Trump’s a bigot.”

That’s all they can do. They don’t know why they’re there other than to cause trouble. The Obama organization, Organizing for Action? It has 250 offices across the country. Planning, funding, fundraising. It’s a new version of Organizing for America, which was the same group that Obama used to do this kind of thing while he was president.

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