He’s Historic! Obama Is the First Two-Term President to Be at War Every Day of His Presidency

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 12,2017

RUSH: By the way, you want to hear something fascinating?  Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, what, in March of his first term.  Did you know that, Wendy?  He’d been immaculated for two months, they give him the Nobel Peace Prize.  They gave it to him on the come.  They thought, “Oh, my God, this is great. We got a guy here, we got the Prince of Peace right here in the White House in the United States of America.”  They gave him the Nobel Peace Prize.

Well, there’s some stats.  “2008’s Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Hussein Obama will leave office as the first — ” are you ready for this? “– the first two-term president in all of American history to have been at war every day of his presidency.”  (laughing)  It just doesn’t get any better than this stuff that’s happening.

Here’s the Peace Prize winner, the Nobel Prince of Peace candidate gets it only two months in on the come. They thought Obama was gonna unite the world and bring peace everywhere and love and all this stuff, community organizing around the world. He was gonna bring newfound peace, great relations, and, instead, he ends up the first two-term president in history to have been at war — wait a minute, it gets even better — to have been at war every day.  Do you think the left has the slightest ability to be embarrassed or humiliated here?  No, they don’t.  I’m just telling you.

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