Pearls of Wisdom

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 8,2016

“Liberalism’s the easiest, most gutless choice in America, and it’s very, very seductive.”

“Who did Obama put at secretary of state? A war veteran who had such disdain for his own country he threw his fake medals over a fence at the White House. You couldn’t have a greater and more stark difference in where this country is headed versus where it has been going.”

“Do not doubt for a moment that Donald Trump has an agenda, and do not doubt for a moment that Trump expects to move this agenda at a faster rate than agendas have ever been moved in our lifetimes.”

“I’m shocked when people claim they find out I’m a nice guy.  It doesn’t make any sense. I’m a nice guy every day, and I’ve been a nice guy for 30 years on this program. Maybe not to the left, but just in terms of my behavior and comportment, I’m a nice guy.”

“”Donald Trump is picking people who have demonstrated success in areas where he is putting them. He is picking people who are independently intelligent. They are not yes-men. They are can-do, have-done, and ‘we’ll continue to do it’ kind of people. When I say that not one of these people is a donor and that Trump isn’t returning favors, another way of saying that is: This isn’t about politics.”

“I’ve known Donald Trump for years. I have never been frightened by one thought or thing of Donald Trump, and yet listening to people who don’t know him but should have some measure of common sense about the guy, he’s lived his life, and he’s not done all these horrible things people say he’s capable of.”

“DiCaprio is an ignoramus. He doesn’t even know what he’s talking about when it comes to the climate. He’s just an activist raising funds. He’s trying to promote his box office by tapping into an issue that people his age think is important. And he may actually believe it. I know he idolizes Gore, which means he doesn’t know anything. He really doesn’t know anything. He’s full of BS.’

“It’s unnatural how much these Millennials believe the propaganda on man-made climate change. Many of them actually believe the world will not be habitable by the time they reach 65 because of fossil fuels if we don’t implement the Paris Accords, if we don’t implement the United Nations deals.”

“Not only has a judge shut down the recount in Michigan for the third Hillary Clinton loss of the presidency since 2008, do you know what else is happening in the recount? Trump has gained something like either 123 or 143 votes. Trump won even bigger as a result of the ‘Jillary’ Stein recount.”

“By virtue of Donald Trump claiming that Obama is helping him with his cabinet picks, Trump is therefore putting Obama’s fingerprints on this, Obama’s imprimatur on these cabinet picks. Now, we don’t know which ones, obviously. But the story’s out there that Obama is helping Trump with his cabinet picks.”

“Who did Obama put at secretary of state? A war veteran who had such disdain for his own country he threw his fake medals over a fence at the White House. You couldn’t have a greater and more stark difference in where this country is headed versus where it has been going.”

“You can see that whatever advice Obama’s giving Trump he’s totally ignoring it, but he’s still claiming that Obama’s advice is valuable. He’s still talking about how much he likes Obama, how much he’s learning from Obama and how much he’s gonna continue to rely on Obama. Believe me, folks, I’m here to tell you that is brilliant.”

“If Obama’s thinking of maintaining his legacy, if Obama’s thinking the best way to cement his legacy is for Trump to fail, then Obama, in his ego and narcissism, might think Trump’s picks are the biggest accidents, the biggest mistakes, the biggest boobs that have ever come down the pike and he may be telling Trump that he likes ’em, because in Obama’s world these guys are destined to fail.”

“Generals — warrior generals, battlefield generals — being appointed to these various key cabinet posts. These people know how to run big organizations. They know how to delegate. They know how to get things done in the real world, and they know how to overcome adversity. They have the greatest amount of experience in exactly what is needed. Contrast that with all of the academic eggheads that Obama surrounded himself with. Not one real-world success story anywhere.”   

“It’s all backfiring on Democrats! It’s just rearing up — it’s like a rattlesnake — and just continues to bite these people. They haven’t figured out it out, and there’s no antidote to the venom. It’s like you put a bag of manure in front of ’em and they keep stepping in it. It’s actually kind of fun to see.” 

“The Jill Stein-Hillary Clinton recount has been halted for good. It’s over.” 

“Hillary is going to the Plaza Hotel in Manhattan to a very exclusive and relatively small ballroom (only 450 people) to thank who? Meanwhile, Trump is on a thank-you tour, which I think will continue throughout his presidency.” 

“You know, I’m Mr. Optimism here, and I have been for 29-plus years, and I’m gonna continue to be. But I also am governed by intelligence guided by experience.”