Jackson to Obama: Pardon Hillary

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 17,2016

RUSH: Did you hear what the Reverend Jackson said? In fact, I’ve got a sound bite on this. I’ll find it over here. Pardon me, folks, while I find it. Grab audio sound bite…  What is it? It is audio sound bite… I thought I had it right… (interruption)  Fourteen!  Thank you for the help.  Audio sound bite 14, the Reverend Jackson, University of Michigan Ann Arbor yesterday. He’s being given an award or honored for his five decades of Civil Rights activism, and during the events he delivered the keynote address and said among other things…

JACKSON:  President Obama should follow President Ford’s example and offer a preemptive full pardon and inoculation against politically motivated prosecution in the spirit of shielding the divisions in our country.  To do otherwise will only exacerbate divisions and hard feelings on both sides.  It would be a monumental moral and political mistake to pursue the prosecution of Hillary Clinton.

RUSH:  Wait a minute.  She did something wrong?  She committed crimes?  You can only be pardoned if you commit crimes.  Well, you could be pardoned for the commission of future crimes.  You could be pardoned for crimes discovered in the future. (interruption) Come on! (laughing) Come on.  Ha!  All right, Mr. Snerdley, the Official Program Observer, says he did not understand half of what the Reverend Jackson said.  Let me translate this for you. (impression)  “President Obama should follow (mumbling) politically motivated (mumbling) divisions healing (mumbling) civil rights.” 

Did that help? (interruption) It didn’t?  Okay, here’s what he said.  “President Obama should follow President Ford’s example and offer a preemptive full pardon” of Hillary Rodham Clinton “and inoculation against politically motivated prosecution in the spirit of shielding the divisions in our country.  To do otherwise will only exacerbate divisions and hard feelings on both sides.  It would be a monumental moral and political mistake to pursue the prosecution of Hillary Clinton.” 

So my question is: You mean she’s committed crimes?  Why else would you pardon somebody?  You only pardon people who have committed crimes that you know about or crimes you don’t yet know about that when you discover you’re gonna forgive.  You can’t pardon somebody for future crimes.  You can’t pardon Hillary and then she can go out and set up another private server to start collecting money from Bahrain or wherever for Hillary’s daughter’s presidential run in 2024.  Can’t do that. 

The reaction, though, is, “A pardon for what?”  You know, everybody’s discussing this.  Is it not a tantamount admission that Hillary Clinton’s violated the law?  Is this now something we can all agree on?  By the way, this pardon of Nixon? The left melted down when that happened.  I mean, don’t sit there and think everybody was just kumbaya and accepted it and went it on.  They were LIVID about it.  Okay.  So we got that.  

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