Trump Transition: Getting Set to Kick Ass

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 16,2016

RUSH: I told Snerdley, he had not heard — have you heard that Ted Cruz met with Trump for a full hour?  Ted Cruz was at Trump Tower for five hours meeting with various people, a full hour with Donald Trump, and the word is he’s being seriously considered for attorney general, not the Supreme Court. 

I can’t think of anybody better to head over to the Department of Justice and drain that swamp than Ted Cruz.  Ted Cruz could get that done in the first hundred days, the honeymoon period.  I think that would be just terrific.  Ted Cruz as attorney general, would please everybody.  Mitch McConnell would be ecstatic over in the Senate.  Well, it wouldn’t please the left.  I mean, Harry Reid and these guys, even though Reid is leaving, they would have a conniption, which would be worth the price of admission.  The greater conniption the left has, the better the decision is, and that’s what everybody needs to come to realize.  The bigger conniption fit the media has or the left, the better the decision. 

The Trump transition team is not imploding, folks.  It is getting set to kick ass.  What the media is trying to tell you, apparently there was some movement.  Trump decided to get rid of some people, the Chris Christie team, apparently, in the process of putting together a national security team, and Mike Rogers was part of this, and Christie made a mistake, he went out and he was recruiting some lobbyists.  Trump has made it plain and been very clear about it, that there aren’t gonna be any lobbyists.  He’s not going to have the traditional Washington trappings to his administration. 

The way people need to look at this is that Trump is able to make bold decisions at the moment he thinks necessary.  He doesn’t languish over them.  He doesn’t wring his hands.  He makes up his mind and makes the move.  Kellyanne Conway was his third campaign manager.  He kept going until he got it right.  The Trump transition team is not imploding.  You would think the media would learn.  But they’re not going to.  What do you think the media thinks it’s in for?  Wrong way to put it.  What do you think the media thinks they have to gain by continuing to treat Trump the way they did during the campaign?  What would they do?  What do they expect to change? 

Have they not come to grips with the fact that the more they rip into Trump, the more his support solidifies and, I dare say, the more his support expands.  Seventy percent of the people in this country think two things.  Seventy percent think the country’s headed in the wrong direction, and 70% think they cannot trust the mainstream media.  The media continues to behave in ways that warrant that distrust, that earn it.  So they’re trying to make hay out of the fact that Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s got this transition team and it’s out of control, already fired people. 

No, he found out people were doing things he didn’t want done and he moved them out and he’s replacing them.  What’s imploding is the media.  The media is imploding.  What’s imploding is Obamacare.  What’s imploding is the Democrat Party.  What is imploding is Clinton Inc.  That’s what’s imploding out there. 

Trump won in part because of the media’s hysterical deceit, their hysterical partisanship, their hysterical abandonment of what they claim are their own definitions of their job.  The media is a front group for Democrats like environmentalists are a front group for radical leftists.  And the reason Trump won is because he’s fighting what is constantly destructive.  Donald Trump is fighting and taking on people who are constantly and purposely destructive.  And so I think what you need to realize here is that everything is humming along. 

To show you how the media gets things wrong, sad to say, Fox News has been reporting for the last hour-and-a-half that Trump snuck out of the White House again, this time showed up at his transition office in Washington.  They’re already ticked off that Trump went to dinner last night.  Have you heard about this?  Trump ditched the media and went to dinner.  He went to 21.  He had dinner with his family.  Media is outraged.  How dare he leave without telling us.  How dare he leave without taking us. 

And so the AP… You know how the AP wrote about this today?  “We were there when JFK was assassinated.  We were there when Ronald Reagan was shot.”  Meaning: “We want to be there if something happens to Trump.  This is our job to chronicle when something bad happens to Trump.”  And they’re livid that Trump… He didn’t sneak out.  He just didn’t tell ’em he was going anywhere. He took his family; went to 21. He didn’t hide. There were people in there taking pictures. 

It’s a new day, folks. 

It’s a new day where everybody in the administration doesn’t first take into account what the media is going to say or do before they do or say anything.  Trump is gonna be who he is.  He’s not gonna be talked out of it or influenced off of it.  He’s gonna be who he is.  He’s gonna continue to try to live as normal a life as he can.  I’ve heard that he doesn’t even want to spend full time in the White House.  He wants to go back and forth between Trump Tower, the White House, and Mar-a-Lago. 

Speaking of which, that could be a problem for us.  You know, they close the airport when he’s here.  That happened to me.  I went to George H. W. Bush’s 80th birthday in Houston. That’s where I met Mikhail Gorbachev.  You ought to see the pictures from that night, by the way.  Gorbachev’s birthmark ended up on my forehead.  We documented it with photos.  You could see it at  I’m sure now that Koko will go get them.  And there are two stages to the party. 

The party was held at what was the Minute Maid Park (it was the baseball stadium, so whatever it was called then) and there were two stages, one indoors like in the stadium club area, and then they went out to the field for the second part of the celebration, and when they made that move I decided to leave ’cause I was flying back home and I flew into Houston for the bash and then I left the bash early to get back home.

And I got to the airport and I found that I couldn’t leave.  I said, “Why not?” “Well, because Air Force One is here.”  George W. Bush was at the 80th birthday party for his dad and that’s when I learned that when Air Force One is parked at your airport, it’s shut down.  So when Trump comes here, if he uses Palm Beach International Airport, we are shut down.  You can’t land; you can’t take off.  I wonder if I could get special dispensation as a powerful, influential media and supporter. Probably not. 

That’s why Air Force One goes to Air Force Bases wherever it can when the president travels. But the nearest Air Force Base here is MacDill over in Tampa, and I don’t think that’s gonna be the case. They’re not gonna land in Tampa and drive the motorcade over here.  And they don’t move Air Force One once it lands.  I mean, there’s nowhere to put it anyway.  So it might be that if we hear Trump’s coming, we gotta leave. We’ll have to get outta here.

I mean, if we’re gonna have to get out at a point in time while he’s here and if this is the winter White House, he’s gonna be here for a couple weeks.  Every plane’s grounded.  The airport is effectively shut down for… Well, if Air Force One is leaving…  But while it’s pretty… Now, I could be wrong about.  I know what in Houston we had to stay ’til Bush left, so my leaving that party early didn’t matter.  I had to sit on my airplane for a couple-three hours until President Bush decided to leave. 

It was at George Bush International, Houston Intercontinental Airport.  No.  It might be at [William H.] Hobby.  I might have gone into Hobby [Airport] and shut it down. Wherever it was, I don’t remember. I had it sit on the airplane, so it was pointless to leave early.  That’s just a little aside.  But Trump is going to try to live as normal a life as he can, and I just want to assure everybody that this transition is not imploding.  It is going smooth as a hot knife through butter. 

Oh, I was gonna say, Fox News reported that Trump had snuck out of Trump Tower and gone to Washington.  He didn’t.  He’s still at Trump Tower.  Kellyanne Conway sent out a little blast saying, “I’m sorry, the media gets it wrong again.  Trump is not in Washington.  Pence is.”  And they have the transition team there, but Trump has not left Trump Tower like he did last night to get dinner.  They’re just fit to be tied.  Little Brian Stelter at CNN, all these people are just fit to be tied.  


RUSH: By the way, Donald Trump is saying and then Kellyanne Conway is saying, too, that he did not request top secret clearance for his kids.  That was another media lie that is out there. And there will be more.  But he set the record straight. “Despite reports suggesting the contrary, a transition team official says Donald Trump did not request or begin paperwork to have his children gain top-level security clearance, according to a pool report.”  CBS reported Monday that they did.  


RUSH:  What’s that?  Oh.  Oh, yeah.  If Hillary had won, oh, the transition would have been the greatest of all time and Chelsea would be portrayed as brilliant. No question about that.  But she didn’t win.  

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