Pearls of Wisdom

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 9,2016

“The things that we feel and think about our country, the direction it was going, we have been validated by virtue of what the American people did yesterday.”

“All these people that donated gazillions of dollars to Hillary and Bill’s foundation — buying policy, whatever they thought they were getting by donating to Hillary — what do they do now? Do they want their money back? What are they gonna get for it? Do you realize the angst that there must be?”

“If there is a lesson for the GOP, this victory has been there all along; you could have this victory in 2008. We could have had this victory in 2012. But it’s obvious and apparent now that many in the Republican Party never thought this was possible and they really didn’t think it was possible with Donald Trump.”

“There is so, so much that is beautiful and American and Americana that is still worth believing in and still worth promoting and still worth fighting for, and all of this was demonstrated last night.”

“Big Government was told to take a hike last night just like Big Government was told to take a hike in the Brexit vote. Last night, yesterday, was a total repudiation of Big Government. It was a total repudiation of the Obama presidency and every aspect of it.”

“So now we have the House, and now we have the Senate, and now we have the White House — and now we have no excuses. There aren’t any excuses anymore. The Republican Party has been given the full reins of this government in this country, and there is a mandate behind it.”

“One thing we can say for certain: Donald Trump didn’t reach out to Hispanics to win this election, and he won the election. He didn’t reject them; he went to everybody. He treated people as human beings. We’re all Americans. We have similar values because we’re Americans. It doesn’t matter what our skin color is or gender or orientation. That’s why he won. He didn’t group-ify things, which is what both political parties have become.”

“Half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair. Gonna be fair, especially today, folks, so many people are hurting out there, so many of our friends on the left, so we’ll continue to use just half my brain in order to deep it balanced, fair and all that.”

“By the way, a lot of people are saying it was the best speech Hillary ever has given — and maybe it was, because of the circumstances. I liked it myself because of the circumstances. In fact, at one point she reached out, ‘And to all you little girls,’ and I was saying to myself, ‘Stay away from Carlos Danger!'”

“We learned also that it was not necessary to go through these past eight years. I don’t want to rewrite history, but my point here is that the Democrats can be beat if they are approached in the right way. One of the problems that we have had to endure as voters and as citizens is that our party has not believed that. Our party has not believed the Democrats can be beat, and Donald Trump has shown how to do it. It took a political outsider, somebody with no fingerprints on anything to do with the way Washington works, quote, unquote, demonstrates how you beat an opposing political party.”

“Beating the left has always been what this is about. In addition to whatever I must do in the realm of broadcasting in order to succeed, the substance and the content portion of this program has always been, whether it’s been humor, whether it’s been satire, whether it has been serious commentary, it has always been about beating the left.” 

“All these people that donated gazillions of dollars to Hillary and Bill’s foundation — buying policy, whatever they thought they were getting by donating to Hillary — what do they do now? Do they want their money back? What are they gonna get for it? Do you realize the angst that there must be? You can see it; you can feel it.” 

“The Democrats will always be predictable. When it was finally clear last night that Hillary was gonna lose, they began to demonstrate who they really are, started talking about how it’s gonna be necessary for Trump to approach them. Trump doesn’t have to do anything! Trump is the winner.”  

“Last night was a total repudiation of Big Government. It was a total repudiation of the Obama presidency and every aspect of it.”  

“The people who define the character and who define the values of our country were the winners in what happened yesterday. And what has been going on the last eight years was repudiated and was pushed back against and defeated.”  

“We need to stop kowtowing to Democrats. We need to look ’em in the face and laugh and say, “You know, the corner of the room is over there. You guys lost. Learn it, love it, live it, and leave us alone. We’re in the process of fixing the mess you made!” We don’t ever say that.” 

“It is dead straight simple what the American people voted yesterday and last night, and it is a full repudiation of Obamacare. It’s a full repudiation of Obama economics. It’s a full repudiation of our culture and the way the Democrats go about dealing with people.” 

“The way Democrats see the country is not the way this country is. This is not a nation of victims! It is not a nation of people who are discriminated against and denied opportunity. But that’s what they see when they look out and see America.”   

“Somebody needs to tell me why it’s wrong for white people to vote their interests when it’s not wrong for African-Americans to unify and monolithically vote their interests.” 

“Women monolithically unify; vote their interests. Muslims monolithically unify; vote their interests. Gays and lesbians unify; monolithically vote their interests. Feminists unify; vote their interests monolithically. That’s how the Democrat Party wins. All of these different constituency groups think, act, and vote alike — and when they do it, they call it ‘progress.'” 

“White people and Christians are the two the groups that it is politically correct to slander; it’s perfectly okay to slander. Donald Trump won because he was the only candidate unafraid to appeal to them and face down the consequences of doing so.” 

“No!  We’re not gonna JIP Obama!  People don’t tune in to listen to Obama.  People tune in to listen to me.” 

“Every way Democrats choose to characterize their loss is going to be wrong until they admit that what they stand for was rejected. Their policies, their agenda was told to take a hike last night by all kinds of people.” 

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Clinton, you didn’t lose because you’re a woman and the nation is sexist. You didn’t lose because the American people don’t want a woman to crash through the glass ceiling. You lost because your ideas were rejected. You lost because your ideas have been on display for the last eight years and people don’t want any more of it. It’s not complicated here.” 

“Folks, there’s still lots of still I didn’t get to today, reaction to last night. I want to continue tomorrow, so we’ll see you then.”