by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 27,2016

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John Bentel was once Director of Information Resource Management at the State Department under Hillary. This did not end well for him.

At a deposition for a Judicial Watch lawsuit on Monday, Bentel was forced to testify under oath. Again. Because his sworn Congressional testimony in June of 2015 did not hold up.

At the House Benghazi hearing, Bentel testified that he had no knowledge of Hillary’s private server. But according to the State Department’s Inspector General, Bentel told State Department employees that Hillary’s private server had been approved, and he warned them to never talk about it again.

At Monday’s Judicial Watch deposition, Bentel pled the Fifth 90 times. He refused to answer questions about what he knew,  and when he knew it.

Meanwhile, Cheryl Mills, Hillary’s so-called lawyer at State, was also in the news. WikiLeaks released an email she sent on March 7, 2015, saying: “We need to clean this up.”

Mills was referring to Obama’s claim that day, that he first learned of Clinton’s private server from “news reports.” But we now know Obama sent and received email from Hillary’s non-State-Department address, and that he used a fake name! Proof of what the President knew, and when he knew it.

Despite the cover-up efforts of the White House, the Justice Department, the State Department, and the FBI, the deceit surrounding Hillary Clinton keeps dripping out. She has corrupted them all in her quest to keep her own corruption hidden. Hope she doesn’t get away with this, folks. 

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