Pearls of Wisdom

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 25,2016

“Obamacare is one of the meanest and cruelest things that has been done to the people of this country, if you ask me. It’s just downright mean. It’s cruel; it’s insensitive. And they laugh about it and they chuckle about it. Obama’s legacy is destroying health care and family budgets. How’s all that hope and change working out for people?”

“Trump wins, I get the blame. Trump loses, I get the blame. So all I can do is save face and resign and have my resignation speech prepared November 9th.”

“I don’t care what happens in this election, there is no excitement for the Democrat ticket. There’s no personal connection to either of these people. They’re sitting ducks.” 

“Communism has never been so prevalent and dominant in this country as it is today. College campuses, K-through-12 education, you can’t avoid it. Young little skull-full-of-mush Millennials don’t even know about Soviet communism! It’s not even taught!”

“When I say unprecedented, the media’s always been tilting left, but I mean they’ve actually become unabashed and admitted campaign workers for Hillary Clinton. The journalists, reporters having dinner with Podesta and Hillary’s aides and so forth, not even bothering to deny it. They’re all in the tank.”

“Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party have overseen the destruction of one of the greatest systems of health care in the world: Ours.”

“Back in 1980, the media and the Washington-New York establishment was as disdainful of Ronald Reagan as they are of Trump.”

“The way the Democrats try to dispirit everybody and impugn people is basically insult their intelligence. If you’re not Democrat, if you’re not liberal, you’re an idiot. You’re a kook. Something’s wrong with you.”

“Obamacare is falling out exactly as it was designed. To show you how bad this really is, these people announce idea that the average Obamacare premium is going up 25% next year, and they do this two weeks before the election.” 

“Obama’s got this country in more wars than George Bush could ever dream of! And our image hasn’t been restored. We’re looked at as a has-been superpower, paper tiger. Now little thug dictators and would-be dictators in the Philippines can mouth off about our president. Nobody cares.” 

“Jay Z is gonna do a concert for Hillary in Cleveland to try to get out the black vote. People are starting to analyze Jay Z’s lyrics. You know, here you have Elizabeth Warren having a cow out there yesterday over Trump calling Hillary ‘a nasty woman,’ but then Jay Z’s gonna be headlining in concerts and every other word is ‘bitch,’ ‘ho,’ whatever, in his songs.”

“We talk about the margin of error, but we need to talk about the margin of shame, and that is how many people are just ashamed to tell voters they’re gonna vote for Trump versus how many people were ashamed to tell these pollsters they’re gonna vote for Reagan. They were doing to Reagan what they’re doing to Trump, folks.”

“This is the war on the middle class going nuclear. Obamacare is unaffordable and always has been unaffordable. Obamacare is unsustainable and always has been unsustainable. Obamacare was designed to cause panic and harm for millions of Americans in the hope that they would blame insurance companies for their plans and then turn to the government for a solution, for relief, which is exactly what’s happening.”

“If Donald Trump had shown up anywhere yesterday and 30 people showed up, do you think it’d be news?  Tim Kaine was across the bridge, he’s over in West Palm Beach, 30 people showed up, and the only people talking about it are bloggers.”

“If they control your health care, which is one of the most important things to you, if they are in charge of you getting actual health care, not just insurance, they own you. They literally own you.” 

“Communism has never been so prevalent and dominant in this country as it is today. College campuses, K-12 education, you can’t avoid it. Young little skull-full-of-mush Millennials don’t even know about Soviet communism! It’s not even taught!”

“This is near criminal what is being done to the great economy, the great health care system, and to the people of this country. And the people who have made this mess, from college education to health care, do not deserve to be reelected. They do not deserve to stay in power. They do not deserve four more years or eight more years to continue this destruction of what once was the greatest country in the history of humanity, and yet it looks like they’re on the verge of being reelected.” 

“The way the Democrats try to dispirit everybody and impugn people is basically insult their intelligence. If you’re not Democrat, if you’re not liberal, you’re an idiot. You’re kook. Something’s wrong with you.”

“Health care is in as bad a shape as it has ever been after eight years of Barack Obama and the Democrat Party running it and running the US economy. But in this day and age, even though it’s got his name on it, for some reason it just doesn’t attach to him in terms of accountability as it should.”