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RUSH: Once again, I am living rent free in Obama’s head.  Well, I didn’t even know about it.  Well, Kathryn walked in, what was it, Friday night, “Obama can’t stop talking about you.”

“What did he say?”  And she told me what he said. And I said, “I haven’t heard that anywhere.  Cookie didn’t have that. I haven’t heard that anywhere.”

She said, “Well, I just heard it.” Not a surprise, I hear it all of the time.  Not a word of it over the weekend, got sound bite roster, and it was Thursday night.  Play it real quick and then we’ll go to the break.  Audio sound bite number one, here’s Obama again and this is at a Democrat Party dinner, so kind of a fundraiser where he speaks honestly.

OBAMA:  This is in the swamp of crazy that has been fed over and over and over and over again.  It’s a whole kind of eco-system, you know.  And — and look, if I watched Fox News, I wouldn’t vote for me. 

CROWD: (laughter) 

OBAMA: I understand.  If I was listening to Rush Limbaugh, I’d say, “Man, it’s terrible.”

RUSH:  Gotta go to a break, folks.  Be right back.


RUSH: I want to go back to this Obama sound bite a minute.  I just had enough time to play it for you.  Now, remember, it’s at a fundraiser.  Obama says different things at fundraisers than he says in public.  He does not usually mention my name.  Sometimes he will Fox News.  But he’s out making a speech to the general public, whether it’s a campaign appearance or not, very seldom will he mention my name because he does not want to elevate me and amplify me or promote me.

But to a Democrat fundraiser where I equal money, Democrats hear my name and they write checks.  They have within their circles, quote, unquote, demonized me to the point that there’s genuine fear that I, my ideas, will prevail.  So Obama mentions me and they write checks.  Donors donate big when my name is mentioned.  That’s what he does here.  But I want to ask what he’s talking about at the end of this bite. 

OBAMA:  This is in the swamp of crazy that has been fed over and over and over and over again.  It’s a whole kind of eco-system, you know.  And — and look, if I watched Fox News, I wouldn’t vote for me. 

CROWD: (laughter) 

OBAMA: I understand.  If I was listening to Rush Limbaugh, I’d say, “Man, it’s terrible.”

RUSH:  I wouldn’t like me either if I listened to Rush Limbaugh.  What is it that I’m saying that people wouldn’t like him for?  Is it the fact I accuse them all of lying about Obamacare?  The fact I point out all the lying about Benghazi, all the lying about the Iran deal, talk about how the stimulus was not a stimulus. 

I mean, what is it specifically that I say that Obama could understand him not being liked?  I’m not making anything up.  He knows it.  He’s just using this to raise money.  I don’t think he cares.  Well, that may not be true just from his ego standpoint.  But that’s why he throws my name out.  Gotta make book on the fact that when he does it, he’s talking to Democrat donors.  I consider this a great honor, my friends, that I equal check writing.  They’re so afraid of me that they go out there and write checks.  

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