
Rush Limbaugh

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On August 30, Hillary Clinton was required to answer more questions. This time, under oath.

A federal judge ordered Mrs. Clinton to answer written questions about the homebrew server she set up in her Chappaqua estate to avoid scrutiny.

Hillary was asked 25 questions by Judicial Watch. She and her legal team objected to 18 of them. She also filed objections about the process, that required her to answer questions.

Of the questions she did answer, at least 21 times she responded: “I don’t recall” or some variation.

She didn’t recall consulting with anyone before using a private email system. Didn’t recall sending memos under her name. Didn’t recall being advised that using a private email account was directly in conflict with federal rules. It was, according to Hillary, “for purposes of convenience.” For the Clintons, obeying the law is always too inconvenient, it seems.

And there was the biggie. Hillary didn’t recall giving the order to have emails on her private server destroyed. We are supposed to believe that somebody else, with more authority than Hillary, ordered those emails destroyed. On her server. At her house.

Even if we give her the benefit of the doubt, we still have an unresolved question: What is the reason for Hillary’s failing memory, the “root cause”? Was it the concussion she suffered dodging sniper fire? Is she suffering from dementia? The public, has a right to know, do we not?

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