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“Never been through anything like this before, except that we all think we have. This is topping anything. I think it’s establishing my point that we don’t have a media, folks. There’s no media. And we’re so far beyond bias to describe what’s going on here, that doesn’t even get close to touching it.”

“The WikiLeaks emails clearly indicate that there is corruption and cooperation and coordination between practically all major media and Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and whatever they’re into, be it a campaign for the White House, be it the Clinton Foundation, be it speeches, the Clinton Global Initiative, be it whatever.”

“Don’t you think people by now would be aware that these kinds of late-in-the-campaign tricks that surface and would at least be suspicious of them?”

“Nate Silver of the FiveThirtyEight blog found that if women did not vote in this campaign, Trump would win. If men did not vote in this campaign, Hillary would win. There are all kinds of divides in this country. There are ideological divides or racial divides or tribal divides or postpartisan divides or health care divides. There’s also gender divides.”

“We know that the Democrats are gonna be working with media and releasing stories disguised as news stories which are nothing more than opposition research. And they are designed to destroy Republican candidates for president, not just their campaigns, but destroy them as human beings. The thing about this that continually frustrates me, is how the American people seem to fall for it all the time.”

“The Drive-Bys have become defenders and protectors of the state.”

“Whether it’s presidential races or anything else, if it’s a poll, it is being used to make news. Polling has become the mechanism by which the media can write their own stories, can set their own agenda, and make it look like they’ve got nothing to do with it.”

There is now a roiling controversy inside the FBI. It is amazing. And folks, I know some former very powerful people in the FBI, and I can confirm for you what you are seeing in the media.

“You know, they’re not even Drive-Bys anymore. They don’t drive on. They wreak havoc and they hang around. They set something on fire and they keep the fire department from getting near to put out the flames. They are agents of destruction. They are Democrat campaign hacks. 

“How many of you have come to realize that every four years, every presidential election, in the last 30 days the Republican candidate alone is exposed as a sleazeball reprobate? Does that not make you wonder?”

“In the midst of all of this, you can find positive news for Trump. You have to really dig deep, but you can find it. You know the Los Angeles Times/USC poll. We’ve cited that poll on this program because for all but three or four days of the campaign, this poll has had Trump leading anywhere from 1.5 points up to seven.”

“Hillary stands for a status quo that nobody wants any more of. Hillary is a flawed candidate in any number of ways, and the people on her side know it. They can’t build her up. They can’t focus on the issues. And by that I mean they can’t spend a lot of time saying how great Hillary’s gonna be for America. And you’ll note they’re not doing that.” 

“Why are there divisions in Barack Obama’s America? Why are there wounds in Barack Obama’s America? Why is there any healing necessary in Barack Obama’s America? Whatever happened to hope and change? Whatever happened to postracial? Whatever happened to all this?” 

“Whether it’s presidential races or anything else, if it’s a poll, it is being used to make news. Polling has become the mechanism by which the media can write their own stories, can set their own agenda, and make it look like they’ve got nothing to do with it.”  

“Don’t you think people by now would be aware of these kinds of late-in-the-campaign tricks that surface and would at least be suspicious of them?” 

“I guess Michelle Obama wasn’t there when the Reverend Wright was talking about Bill Clinton. You remember what Reverend Wright said about Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky? ‘And Bill and Monica Lewinsky was riding dirty. Yeah, chickens have come home to roost, baby.’ ‘Bill was riding dirty,’ and the population, the congregation went nuts.” 

“There is an undeniable truth in politics, and it is this: Polling data is used to shape public opinion. Whether it’s presidential races or anything else, if it’s a poll, it is being used to make news.” 

“Polling has become the mechanism by which the media can write their own stories, can set their own agenda, and make it look like they’ve got nothing to do with it. The polls have these reputations.”  

“This is a race where their objective, the Clinton campaign, which includes the media and the White House and the Department of Justice and every other government organization and affiliate, their objective is to make Trump more unlikable than Hillary. Her negatives are already higher than any other candidate who’s ever been elected president.” 

“Folks, I implore you to do your best here not to get dragged down to the depths of depression and defeat and fatalism. Do not do it yet.”

“El Rushbo, on the cutting edge, doing what I was born to do. And so are you. I was born to host, and you were born to listen. Together, we make histoire.”

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