
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

“There are two simultaneous conversations going on in this country about all of this. On the one hand, there are people who want to focus on: How do you stop this kind of thing from happening. On the other: This is our fault somehow. This is maddening.” – Buck Sexton

Terror Attack in France

“As somebody that comes from the 9/11 generation, which I know many of us in the intel community did, and certainly many in the military signed up because of 9/11, we see these incidents and attacks and have an understanding that this is the world we’re now in. We face a global jihadist enemy, an insurgency that is all over the world, including here at home.” – Buck Sexton

Trump Spokeswoman: Katrina Pierson

“We’ve said from the beginning: We welcome everyone to join the Trump train. This is a bigger message that’s happening and Mr. Trump says the same thing. It’s not about him, this is a movement.” – Katrina Pierson 

Kimberley Strassel: The Intimidation Game

“I think we need to hold our politicians more accountable and support those who openly say they believe in Constitutional protections and in reining in the size and scope and power of the federal bureaucracy.” – Kimberley Strassel

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