Pearls of Wisdom

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 4,2016

“Well, it is obvious the Washington establishment is in full destroy mode. The entire political class — consisting of the Republican establishment, the Democrat establishment, the media establishment — has arrayed every gun that it has at the Trump campaign, and they are firing both barrels 24/7. It is a breathtaking sight to behold, ladies and gentlemen. Why all of this panic?” 

“Obama escapes any accountability. He’s not attached to any of the bad results! George W. Bush still is, when you’re talking about the economy. When you’re talking about health care, Obama does not suffer from health care because people see him as trying to bring insurance to everybody.” 

“The Obama Regime laundered $400 million in American currency in order to ‘legally,’ quote/unquote, give it to the Iranians. Dr. Krauthammer made the point if any American CEO had done that, he would be in jail before the trial even began.”

“What doesn’t make sense to me is the people in the Republican Party who have opposed Trump since July being in a state of panic over what’s being reported as Trump’s campaign unraveling. Why would they be in a state of panic? Why wouldn’t they be celebrating?”

“You’re not seeing any of the anti-Hillary sentiment reported. It’s just not being mentioned. I think Media Research Center did some calculations and for every negative story of Hillary, there are like 100 negative stories on Trump. It may even be worse than that.”

“Can anybody find Hillary Clinton? We need a search party. We need an APB. She hasn’t had a press conference in over 200-some-odd days.”

“Whether you like it or not, Trump is not an ideological guy, and he’s not running an ideological campaign, meaning Trump isn’t running against liberals. He’s running against the status-quo establishment.”

“There is a concerted and a coordinated effort between the Democrat Party and the media and others in the establishment to create a whole lot of false narratives about Trump and his campaign. They want you to think that Trump is on the verge of imploding.”

“The people that want Trump to lose are convinced that he is. They’re convinced that he’s now finally imploded. But why are they in a panic? Why are they mad?  Why are they worried about anything? They wanted it to happen! Many of them expected it to happen. The thing is, it may not actually be happening, other than on the pages and the TV screens of media reports.”

“When I first learned that the guys in the Millennial generation were not interested in cars, I thought that was a big moment. That was seminal. I said to myself at the time when I saw that, ‘This could signal a tremendous shift in American cultural attitudes and behavior.’ Because that’s one of the Top 10 things that defined us as distinctly American.”

“This is a typical Clinton ploy: Any scandal that’s uncovered, ‘Oh, that’s old news.'”

“Clint Eastwood said Trump is the enemy of the ‘pussy generation.’ And everybody said, ‘Holy cow, he said that?’ Yes, he did.”

“Whatever you see in America, I’ve done it. Whoever out there is doing things now, I’ve done it.”

“There is a concerted and a coordinated effort between the Democrat Party and the media and others in the establishment to create a whole lot of false narratives about Trump and his campaign. They want you to think that Trump is on the verge of imploding. They want you to think that Trump is on the verge of quitting.”

“I am America’s Real Anchorman. I am America’s Truth Detector, popularly known as America’s Doctor of Democracy. Rush Limbaugh here at the EIB Network.”