Guest Host Mark Belling

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 14,2016

“For those of you not familiar with me, I’ve been one of those guys that’s kind of had the heebie-jeebies over Donald Trump. But I’m voting for Donald Trump. I’m comfortable with my decision, and, while I’m not going to try to pressure anyone to coming around to that point of view, I think it’s the right thing to do.” – Mark Belling

Why I’m Voting Trump

“There are a lot of reasons to be positive about Donald Trump and some reasons not to be positive about him, that’s where I come from. But he is the only way I know right now to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming president.” – Mark Belling

Prosecuting Politicians, Except Hillary 

“I’d like to tell you what the last straw for me was regarding Hillary. I held out some belief that there was a chance that she was going to be indicted. I know that makes me sound like an idiot because she wasn’t, and I know Rush said there was no way it was going to happen. Still, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is an agency that isn’t known to be corrupt.” – Mark Belling

The 411 on Mike Pence

“Governor Mike Pence is a good fit for Donald Trump. He needed someone that would balance him out, who has the temperament — in the same way Hillary Clinton must choose someone who’s honest and trustworthy and squeaky clean, because she is not.” – Mark Belling 

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