Pearls of Wisdom

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 8,2016

“When Micah X.  Johnson commits a massacre of police officers in Dallas, who gets blamed? Conservatives. Republicans. Donald Trump, for crying out loud! Jesse Jackson and any other number of civil rights activists pop straight up and blame Donald Trump — who just happens to be the presumptive Republican nominee.”

“We know that in Ferguson a totally false narrative was created. Hands up, don’t shoot, never happened. And yet how many people in this country, minorities, believe that it did, to this day. Now, how is that possible? My contention is that we have a political party that’s seeking to benefit from all of this. The Democrats, are seeking to advance their agenda with every one of these unfortunate incidents.”

“In March of 2015 President Obama welcomed two founders of Black Lives Matter to the White House and commemorated them and their efforts and praised them as being better organizers than he is. And Black Lives Matter was exactly who they are then as who they are today. They’re a terrorist group.”

“The Obama Administration is presuming that there is racism in all of these police departments and has concocted a mechanism whereby they can claim it, which is the last thing we want to do. We want to reduce racial tension. They’re promoting it.”    

“When Democrats murder people with guns, Democrats never blame the gun. They blame conservatives. They blame Republicans. It’s astounding.” 

“Heather Mac Donald made a lot of brilliant points. One of the points I think that’s most interesting to a lot of people was the fact that economics plays no role here; that rather, it’s busted families, no role models. It’s the same thing the left says about, ‘Well, terrorists become terrorists because we’ve zapped their economies. We’ve zapped their resources.’ And that’s bogus, too.”

“This protest last night was peaceful. And then the massacre began and the protesters began to flee and expected the cops to protect them. And what are they there protesting? They’re protesting the people they turn to for protection. The cops know that, by the way. They do not shirk from their responsibilities even in the face of this hypocrisy.”

“Every time a militant Islamist terrorist shoots somebody up, what does Obama do and the Democrats? They come out and they demand that there be no backlash against Muslims. Okay. So any time a police officer shoots a black suspect, why doesn’t Obama stand up and warn against a backlash against cops?”

“There is one candidate in this presidential campaign, by the way, who practically every appearance praises the police. There’s one candidate goes out of his way every appearance to acknowledge the police, to thank the police, to ask everybody to express their gratitude to the police. You know who that candidate is? That would be the Trumpster.”

“Just like Duke lacrosse rape hoax, so was hands up, don’t shoot a total hoax. And out of that hoax was born Black Lives Matter, much the same as after the Tea Party organically materialized, the Democrats went out and created Occupy Wall Street.”

“Black lives matter means only black lives matter. Obama had to go out and assure everyone:  No, no, no, blue lives matter, too. And we know what the Black Lives Matter movement represented. It was about so-called white privilege, the sin of being born white. It was about systemic racism, as if this is the 1870s. It was about anger at everyone except those who have made poverty a family tradition in the urban core. The Democrats built that.” 

“Every time a militant Islamist terrorist shoots somebody up, what does Obama do and the Democrats? They come out and they demand that there be no backlash against Muslims. Okay. So any time a police officer shoots a black suspect — without knowing why, without knowing the circumstances — why doesn’t Obama stand up and warn against a backlash against cops?” 

“God bless our police. God bless America.”