Quick Hits Page

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 21,2016

You Won’t Believe My Emails on the New Mac OS Beta

RUSH: You wouldn’t believe the number of emails with questions I’m getting about the beta software for the new Apple operating system.  ‘Cause over the years people know that I deployed ’em and they’re asking me various questions.

Some of them, I would love to answer on the air.  But I… Well, I may. If we get our new website up and running, there’s gonna be a whole segment there on Rush and tech stuff so that it doesn’t interfer with what people think the main thrust of the program here is every day.  But that may not happen.  So I gotta figure out a way, maybe doing it on Open Line Friday, a little Q&A at some point there.  

Democrat Congressman Chaka Fattah Convicted of Racketeering

RUSH:  Well, looky here.  Democratic representative Chaka Fattah… Have you heard the name Chaka Fattah? Not to be confused with Chaka Khan, Chaka Khan.  This is Chaka Fattah.  He’s a Democrat.  He’s from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  He just been convicted in a racketeering case.  His district includes part of Philadelphia. He was found guilty of racketeering, fraud, and money laundering related to his efforts to pay back an illegal $1 million campaign loan.  He’s a prominent Democrat, used to be out there on MSNBC every night commenting on how evil mean the Republicans are.  Get this story. (interruption) Yeah, it mentions he’s a Democrat.  Oh, it’s Fox News story.  You probably won’t find he’s a Democrat in any other campaign story.