Quick Hits Page

by Rush Limbaugh - May 24,2016

NJ Man Arrested for Using Mirror to Look Up Women’s Skirts

RUSH: This is a story from Breitbart:  “NJ Man Arrested for Using Mirror to Look Up Women’s Skirts at Target — A New Jersey man has been arrested and accused of using a mirror secreted in a basket to look up the dresses of women at a local Target store.

“Ocean Township, New Jersey police charged 56-year-old Julius G. Reynolds with invasion of privacy after Target department store workers said they saw him placing a basket with a mirror attached to it on the floor next to female shoppers and using the mirror to look up the dresses and skirts of unsuspecting female shoppers.

“According to Ocean PD Detective Lt. Timothy Torchia, Reynolds was arrested on May 16 and is being held at Monmouth County Correctional Institution on a $7,500 bail. Reynolds already has a police record for such inappropriate behavior. The suspect was arrested in 2007 for using his cell phone to take inappropriate photos of women.”

This guy, there’s a solution for his problem.  He doesn’t need to put mirrors in baskets anymore.  He just needs to change the way he identifies.  Anyway, he has a criminal history, including credit card fraud, drug offenses, and one conviction of child endangerment and he’s only being held on a $7,500 bond?  

NYC Lets You Choose from 31 Different Gender Identities

RUSH: New York City.  This is from the Daily Caller:  “New York City Lets You Choose From 31 Different Gender Identities — Individuals living in New York City can choose from a minimum of 31 different gender identities, many of which allow them to fluctuate between some version or combination of male or female identities.

“Businesses that don’t respect and accommodate an individual’s chosen gender identity risk incurring six-figure fines under rules implemented by the city’s Commission on Human Rights.

“The list of protected gender identities is available online and includes options such as ‘gender bender,’ ‘two spirit,’ ‘third sex,’ ‘androgynous,’ ‘gender gifted,’ and ‘pangender.’ A city official speaking on background confirmed to The Daily Caller that all of the listed identities are protected by the city’s anti-discrimination laws, but said that the list was not exhaustive. … ‘Two spirit’ individuals are Native Americans ‘who have attributes of both men and women, have distinct gender and social roles in their tribes, and are often involved with mystical rituals.'”

Who would even know that?  Who would even know that that’s what the definition of “two spirit” is terms of gender identity?  

Transgender Teacher Gets $60k After Co-Workers Won’t Call Her “They”

RUSH: Also in The Daily Caller: Transgender Teacher Gets $60k After Co-Workers Won’t Call Her ‘They’ — A ‘transmasculine’ teacher at an Oregon elementary school has been awarded $60,000 by her school district as compensation for harassment she claims to have suffered on the job, including being referred to by the wrong pronoun.

“According to The Oregonian, Leo Soell was born a woman, but now prefers to identify as ‘transmasculine’ and ‘genderqueer,’ meaning she does not consider herself to be male or female. After getting breast cancer in late 2014, she had her breasts amputated to create a more masculine appearance and changed her name to Leo. Once she returned to work, Soell claims she fell victim to relentless harassment from her co-workers. She says employees persisted in calling her hurtful terms like ‘Miss Soell,’ ‘lady,’ and ‘she.'”

That’s what it says here. “She says employees persisted in calling her hurtful terms like ‘Miss Soell,’ ‘lady,’ and ‘she.'”

Now, I’ve already forgotten, how does this person identify?  Let me go be back to the beginning.  Transmasculine teacher.  Born a Woman.  Oh.  Now prefers to identify as transmasculine or gender queer.  Right.  So, if you identify as transmasculine or, quote, gender queer, unquote, then I guess you’d be offended if they call you “Miss” or “lady” or “she.”  And that degree of offense was worth 60 grand. 

“Some teachers were even worse, Soell said. She claimed one teacher screamed at her in the hallway that her gender choice was offensive to God, and she said teachers conspired to use the school’s only gender-neutral bathroom so Soell would have to wait a half-hour or more to use it.

“The school conducted an internal investigation after Soell complained, but found no proof of harassment. Eventually, Soell was able to cut a deal with the school to have her,” apologized to and awarded $60,000.  So she purposefully identifies as transmasculine and gender queer.  And we’re supposed to automatically know this. 

We’re walking around in school minding our own business, here comes the trans person who’s self-identifying in these ways that we never heard of and we’re supposed to know it.  We see somebody that looks like a woman, we say “she”, “hello, Miss,” whatever, and it’s, “you have offended me! I am outraged,” and they got paid off for $60,000.  

AP Says Marilyn Mosby Never Had the Evidence

RUSH: Moving to Baltimore.  “Freddie Gray Prosecutor Criticized After Officer Acquitted.”  This is the AP: “After two trials and no convictions, Baltimore’s top prosecutor [Marilyn Mosby] is facing criticism that she moved too quickly to file charges against six officers in the death of Freddie Gray without first ensuring there was enough evidence to bring them to bear. Even the judge overseeing the cases … said the state failed to prove its case on any of the charges.”

Is this really the AP?  Who hacked this website?  When has the AP or anybody else in the Drive-Bys cared more about evidence when it comes social justice?  I don’t believe this.  The AP’s actually concerned here that there was no evidence?  It’s never about the evidence.  It’s about the seriousness of the charge.  Evidence never matters, except now it does. 

So she went too soon, didn’t have the evidence.  She never did have the evidence.  That’s the point.  This never was about evidence.  This is a railroad job to begin with.  It was about everything but evidence.  It had objectives; it had nothing to do with evidence. 

The cop made a wise decision forgoing a jury trial, choosing a bench trial with just the judge, who “delivered his verdict in the racially charged case before a packed courtroom Monday. … Noticeably absent, however, was State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who was present when Williams declared a mistrial in the trial for Officer William Porter in December. After announcing charges against the officers last May … Mosby did not shy from the spotlight. She posed for magazine photos, sat for TV interviews and even appeared onstage at a Prince concert in Gray’s honor.”

Oh, yeah, she went all A-list on everybody.  She just bought into it hook, line, and sinker.  And now that the verdicts are coming and going against her, she can’t be found. 

Meanwhile, the Reverend Sharpton is not happy.  You knew this was gonna happen.  I referenced this yesterday.  “The following is a statement from Ebonie Riley, Washington DC Bureau Chief of the National Action Network: ‘We are disappointed in the decision of the court but unfortunately not surprised. As we have seen throughout the years, when officers opt for a trial by judge rather than by a jury, acquittal is the result.  We have been through this with Sean Bell and far too many other cases in the past. This is exactly the reason we are calling for lowering the bar for federal prosecution, and greater involvement of the federal government in cases like this. In federal court, a jury trial cannot be waived without the consent of the prosecution — and we believe that is a fairer, more just process. We continue to stand with the Gray family,” blah, blah, blah. 

So the Reverend Sharpton and his group are now demanding that crimes like this can never again be tried by a judge, that’s what they’re demanding, even a black judge.  So it becomes clear, real justice is the last thing these people want.  The dirty little secret of the civil rights movement:  The last thing they want is justice, ’cause they just got it, and they’re not happy.

Hurricane “May Brew” for Memorial Day

RUSH: Do you know what starts on June 1st?  Hurricane season.  Try this headline, and listen carefully:  “Tropical System May Brew Near Southeastern US Coast Memorial Day Weekend.”  “May brew.”  It’s Accuweather.  We like the people at Accuweather. But, nevertheless, I have to point this out.  


RUSH: Folks, I teased this and I had better get to it.  It’s not that big a deal.  That’s why I saved it ’til last.  Hurricane season is June 1st.  The Drive-Bys… This is the setup. They have been disappointed that there hasn’t been a Hurricane Katrina since Hurricane Katrina.  This is from AccuWeather.  We love AccuWeather.  But I just want to share something with you.  “Tropical System May Brew Near Southeastern US Coast Memorial Day Weekend.” That’s the weekend coming up? (interruption) Is that this coming…? (interruption) It is. (interruption) No, it’s this weekend.  Memorial Day is… (interruption) It is.  Memorial Day is a week from yesterday. 

Anyway, “Conditions…” (interruption) That’s what I mean: The year is zooming by here.  Anyway, “Conditions will become favorable for tropical development over the Atlantic Ocean, in the vicinity of the southeastern United States, toward the end of May and into early June.” Now, when you read the headline, you think, “My God, there’s a storm out there, and it may actually become a tropical storm!”  No, there’s nothing out there.  All that’s out there is “conditions” that are “favorable for” a storm forming.  But they’ve got a graphic.

They’ve got two arrows: One aiming Florida, one aiming North Carolina.  Big arrows with a giant, red “potential development” area.  “Waters in the area are sufficiently warm enough and winds aloft are light enough to initiate and sustain a tropical system,” said AccuWeather hurricane expert Dan Kottlowski.  Now, again, we like AccuWeather.  Don’t anybody now haul off and start telling ’em I was ripping them.  But this is…

There isn’t a storm.  There’s no circular development.  There’s no low-pressure area.  All there is, is light wind and warm water.  That means conditions are favorable for the formation of a storm.  “People from Florida to Georgia, the Carolinas and the Bahamas may want to keep an eye on the tropics in the coming days. … Typically, very early season tropical systems begin as a non-tropical storm or subtropical (hybrid) storm. That is a possibility in this case.” We do every day.  That’s part of living here.