Pearls of Wisdom

by Rush Limbaugh - May 20,2016

“The Charlotte Observer says that every woman and girl in the United States needs to just get over the fear of male genitalia in their bathrooms. Hi, folks. It’s Friday. How you doing?”

“This kind of thing, I think, needs to be refuted until everybody believes it: Neither Trump nor any other critic of militant Islam or of terrorism ‘creates terrorists.’ What creates terrorists is Islam. Sharia. It’s in the book.”

“Trump nor any other critic of terrorism, creates terrorists. What creates terrorists is Islam. Sharia. It’s in the book. What creates terrorists is the imams in the mosques in places like Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Trump’s not creating terrorists. George W. Bush did not create terrorists.” 

“This is not about what happens in bathrooms, Charlotte Observer, and it’s not about transgenders. That’s why everybody’s so upset. Everybody knows this is just yet another vehicle that extreme liberals are using to undermine and overthrow and transform the founding culture of the United States.” 

“So now women and their fear, in the words of Charlotte Observer, of the male genitalia and being advised, just get over it. Has anybody ever told African-Americans, ‘Hey, you know what? Slavery? Get over it.’ Anybody ever said that? I don’t believe so.”    

“These people on the left like Hillary Clinton are out there trying to say that Guantanamo Bay and the pictures at Abu Ghraib from Iraq, they just make these young Muslim men so angry that they joined up and they want to become terrorists and so forth. And it’s nonsense, and it’s typical of the left, people like that, being unable to correctly assign responsibility to the people who deserve it.” 

“Do you ever ask yourself why in the world and who in the world decided to pick up an issue — transgender bathrooms — that affects one-tenth of 1% of the population and make it a cause celebre and make it a dominating cultural issue and make it an issue that they use to illustrate how, in their minds, America sucks,  America discriminates, America’s unfair, America is prejudiced, America is biased?” 

“If you look at Sharia law, none, very little of what the left wants to call normal is permitted. You go to Saudi Arabia, homosexuals, if they’re discovered, are beheaded, they are murdered, they are executed.” 

“If Sharia is what it is and Islam is what it is and we are infidels, then all the reasons we are infidels is all it would take to anger them. And I’ll guarantee you at least half of the Democrat Party liberal agenda does not float the boat of militant Islam.”

“The United Nations is convening a summit on AIDS, and Islamic member nations have forbidden any homosexuals to attend or be part of it. And not a peep out of anybody. Not a peep.” 

“You know, sometime back in the early nineties we got a call from a guy who claimed to be a male lesbian, and we just cracked up. We thought that was the funniest thing, a male lesbian. He started explaining to us what that was. We are so far beyond that now. A male lesbian seems halfway normal.”

“Joe Biden said, ‘I’ve never been gainfully employed in my life.’ I believe he’s never had a job. Neither has Obama. So why are these people trying to run the health care business? Why are these people trying to run the minimum wage business? Why are these people trying to tell businesspeople how to run their business when they have never, ever been employed?”

“It’s Open Line Friday, Rush Limbaugh, executing assigned host duties and responsibilities flawlessly, zero mistakes. The call screener hasn’t made any either, ’cause I only took one call. The call transcriber hasn’t made any, but the day is young.”

“When there’s any confusion about what to do, just be who you are. Always fall back on that: Be who you are. Don’t try to be what somebody else tells you to be, or tells you other people are expecting you to be.”

“Snerdley’s asking me if I get an invitation to speak at the convention, will I do it. I’m not gonna get that invitation. I’m not a political guy. I’m not a party guy out there. When’s the last speech you saw me give at a Republican convention? Never, is exactly right. Never.”

You know, sometime back in the early nineties we got a call from a guy who claimed to be a male lesbian, and we just cracked up. We thought that was the funniest thing, a male lesbian. He started explaining to us what that was. We are so far beyond that now. A male lesbian seems halfway normal.” 

“If every employee at Fakebook who works in this division is a liberal, has been born and raised by liberals, and has known nothing else, that person is not even gonna think they’re biased. They’re gonna think they’re normal.”

“I maintain that it’s impossible to write an unbiased algorithm because people are not unbiased. I’ve always believed thoughtful people, engaged people care about the outcome of events, and if that’s you, you are biased. You are not objective.  You have to make a special effort to include that which you instinctively disagree with.” 

“Conservatism is about personal responsibility and budgeting and personal behavior, in personal responsibility, in morality, you name it. I mean, people raise their kids to avoid trouble, to be the best they can be, to get educated, to learn to compete, all that’s conservatism. But it has been branded and maligned.”

“Liberalism is just get up and go about your day and if you get your feelings hurt, somebody’s responsible for it. Somebody owes you something, you’re a victim of something. It’s easy to fall into the trap. You see suffering, you go (crying). You’re a great liberal. That’s all you gotta do.”

“Conservatism is intellectual, ideological; conservatism is an active daily pursuit.”

“I’m not gonna get an invitation to speak at the Republican convention. I’m not a political guy or a party guy. When was the last speech you saw me give at a convention? Never is exactly right. Never.” 

“You’ve never read all the transgender references in the Federalist Papers?”