Morning Update: Pay Less

by Rush Limbaugh - May 13,2016

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A couple of  weeks after the New York Times was hit with a lawsuit for age and race discrimination, the Times is making more news. Here it is, fit to print: There’s widespread pay discrimination at the so-called “paper of record.”

Politico reports on a new study released by the News Guild of New York, the union that represents the New York Times staff. Guess what? White men employees at the paper are paid better wages than women and minorities.

Among New York Times employees, minorities make an average of 10 percent less than white guys. Women make an average of 7 percent less than white guys.

And, older women are hardest hit. Women who’ve been with the company for 20 years make an average 11 percent less than the guys. Women who’ve been at the Times less than six years have a mere 2 to 4 percent pay gap with men. Apparently, not only is beauty in the eye of the beholder, at the New York Times so are wages.

The Times doesn’t only hammer the “little women.” Bigwig women get the big diss. When the company fired Jill Abramson, their first and only female Executive Editor, she revealed she’d been paid “considerably less” than the male editor she replaced.

Since the New York Times loves big government so much, I expect they’ll be calling for federal investigation to force themselves to treat minorities and women fairly. Any day now… we will be waiting for it. 

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