Hey, Folks, It’s Tea Season!

by Rush Limbaugh - May 6,2016

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RUSH: Can you believe that it’s already early May? We had a cold front go through here. It was…? What was it, 69? (interruption) You were 67? Well, you were you were two degrees chillier out in the sticks. It was 69 this morning. By this time, it’s usually 80 by 8 a.m. It’s the lingering effects of El Nino. But, anyway, it’s also helping to forestall or delay the perception that we’re coming up on summertime. May the 1st, around here, that marks the beginning of what we like to call tea season, Two If By Tea season. Two If By Tea, that’s our tea, folks. It’s absolutely the best-tasting patriotic iced tea in America.

It’s manufactured right here in the US, manufactured by proud Americans, delivered right to your doorstep. And Rush Revere, the star of all the Rush Revere Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans books. Rush Revere is the main spokesperson for Two If By Tea. He’s basically a modern-day milkman. And we always at the beginning of tea season put the stuff… I don’t like to call it “on sale.” We just reduced the price to make it even more affordable for people, and that’s what we’re doing here. All you have to do is go online to the All-American Store.

Purchase the best iced tea in America and it will be sent right to your door — and people can’t believe how quick the shipping is, and the shipping, by the way… Well, it’s almost free; in some cases it is. Two If By Tea, we proudly sponsor the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation. The iconic photo of Iwo Jima, it’s on every single label to remind us all of the sacrifices made by our precious United States Military. You know, over $2 million have been donated to the Marine Corps-Law Enforcement Foundation in monetary and advertising donations since we began our sponsorship. So tea season, Two If By Tea season, officially begins.

In honor, we’re offering very special discounts throughout the online store. It’s your time to stock up. Folks, the tea is delicious. We have some of the best-flavored iced tea — I’m not kidding — that you will find anywhere. And we sell it on the internet direct to you. You can serve it at a Memorial Day barbecue, any other celebration or just any time that you want it. Some people like vodka in there. You never know. It’s like multifaceted, multi-purposed. You’ll find it at RushRevere.com now.

Everything’s been put under the Rush Revere umbrella. Two If By Tea is now at RushRevere.com. Click on the All-American Store, and that’s where you will find it. And, by the way, every year when we do this, supplies vanish quickly. So the prices that you will see are good up until 11:59 p.m. Pacific (Friday), so that’s basically 2:59 Eastern time, 2:59 Saturday morning Eastern time. So Two If By Tea’s now found at RushRevere.com in the All-American Store.

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