Trump Talks Religion at Liberty University Jan 18, 2016RUSH: Braden in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Great to have you, sir. Glad you waited. You’re next....
The Drive-Bys Think Talk Radio Tells All You Mind-Numbed Robots What to Think Jan 18, 2016RUSH: Now, let’s go to the audio sound bites. This is from the Today Show this morning, Matt Lauer...
Libertarian: Trump Gets Things Done Jan 18, 2016RUSH: We are starting with Mike in Norfolk, Virginia. Welcome, sir. Great to have you on the...
The Establishment Sidles Up to Trump? Jan 18, 2016RUSH: So as I was saying last week, we had the establishment, who’s been upset at me for not...
Trump Is Making a Strategic Mistake in the Way He’s Going After Cruz Jan 18, 2016RUSH: I want to paraphrase an e-mail that I received. It’s like a number of e-mails that I have...
Trumpsters: Come Out of the Cruz Closet, Rush! Jan 15, 2016RUSH: Here we go to Patty in Belleview, Florida. Great to have you. Really appreciate your...
Pensacola’s Never Seen Anything Like It Jan 15, 2016RUSH: Karen, Pensacola, Florida. It’s great to have you with us here on the EIB Network. Hello....
New York Values: The Drive-By Love Affair with Trump Won’t Last Jan 15, 2016RUSH: We’re gonna start with Jase in Virginia Beach. Great to have you on the program. Hello....
A Nightmare for the Modernizers Jan 15, 2016RUSH: I want to get back to this story in, and then, after we finish this, we’re gonna...
Don’t Blame Me for Trump, GOP! Jan 15, 2016RUSH: So, ladies and gentlemen, let’s just go to audio sound bites. I have a point to make here...
The Best Debate Yet Jan 15, 2016RUSH: Hey, look, I want to mention this before it gets lost in the shuffle of our post-debate...
How Do We Turn the Country Around? Jan 13, 2016RUSH: Here is Laurie in Orlando. I really appreciate you holding, Laurie. Thanks very much. And...
The Gloves Are Off Between Trump and Cruz — And I Didn’t Even Give Them the Go Ahead! Jan 13, 2016RUSH: Now, in the Republican primary, the gloves are coming off from Trump and Cruz. Both...
Republicans Would Rather Lose Than See Conservatism Dominate the Party Jan 13, 2016RUSH: We’re gonna start Grand Rapids, Michigan, with Matt. I’m glad you called, sir. It’s great to...
Ronaldus Magnus Responds to Haley Jan 13, 2016RUSH: I want to give you a quote from Ronaldus Magnus. I’m still struck here by Nikki Haley and,...
The State of Obama Address Jan 13, 2016RUSH: Obama last night, in his State of Obama speech… I mean, we could go through it. We’ve...
John Kerry Thanks Iran for Taking Our Sailors Hostage and Humiliating Them Jan 13, 2016RUSH: John F. Kerry (who served in Vietnam, by the way) has thanked the Iranians for taking our...
What the Nikki Haley Speech Means Jan 13, 2016RUSH: Wow. I look as orange on this Dittocam as Obama did last night during the State of the...
It’s Starting to Dawn on the Elites That Donald Trump Could Win the Presidency Jan 12, 2016RUSH: We’ve got some new polling numbers in here on the Trump race.