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RUSH: Snerdley just reminded me that I haven’t yet commented on Sean Penn and El Chapo. What…? (laughing) What needs to be said? You couldn’t have two bigger blithering idiots in the world getting together than these two guys. (laughing) I mean, it speaks for itself! El Chapo — trying to stay hidden from law authorities — grants access to Sean Penn, who’s being followed by the CIA, the FBI, and Interpol because he’s a well-known associate of Third World, left-wing dictators, and he’s got the entertainment media following him all over the place.

El Chapo was so eager for press! These two deserve each other. Sean Penn, by the way, did you hear what he said? He defended him! He defended El Chapo. He said it’s not El Chapo’s problem. He “may be a billionaire murderer and peddler of poison, but what of our own guilt, as customers of his wares, Penn muses. ‘We are the consumers,’ Penn says, ‘and as such, we are complicit in every murder, and in every corruption of an institution’s ability to protect the quality of life for citizens of Mexico and the United States that comes as a result of our insatiable appetite for illicit narcotics. As much as anything, it’s a question of relative morality.'”

He admits it.

He’s got a point.

The demand side of this is one of the focal points. We’re going after the demand side, and since we’re talking addiction, the demand side’s not the way to solve this. But as far as Sean Penn’s concerned, hey, this guy is just taking advantage of customers’ willingness to buy it. That’s what really need to focus on. As far as Sean Penn’s concerned, it’s always America’s fault no matter what. And in his mind, Guzman’s a hero. El Chapo. He’s a hero because he’s running away from United States authorities. But if there was ever a pair of people that deserve each other, how stupid is this El Chapo guy? You know, grant interview with somebody at MSNBC. Nobody will find you. MSNBC would get lost on the way to the interview!

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